Sunday, March 24 @ 6:00pm
The 2024 Annual Business Meeting has officially been scheduled for Sunday, March 24th, 2024 @ 6:00pm at Freedom in Christ Church (1643 Bleams Road, Kitchener). At that time, we will conduct our usual business for the year including the approval of the 2024 budget and Board of Deacon elections.

All members are encouraged to attend this meeting. Voting will only be available in person or with an advanced ballot. Zoom will be available for members and adherents who wish to attend the meeting virtually (no voting privileges).

Childcare will be available for those who request it in advance of the meeting by contacting Margaret.

To attend via Zoom, please email the office for login credentials. They are password protected and will not be posted on our website.

The 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statement is available by clicking the link below. Hard copies are now available at the Welcome Centre in the lobby.

According to our General Operating By-Law, we can have 3-5 members on the Board of Deacons. This year we will have five, comprised of three members who will be elected by acclamation at this meeting and will join Julie Schroth and Jim Klujber who have one year remaining on their terms.

After our nominating process in January, the candidates for election to the Board of Deacons are: Jack Sousa, Juno Park, and Josh Kubassek

Any comments and questions ahead of the meeting can be directed to Pastor Tracy or any member of the Board of Deacons (Jim Klujber, Walt Kippenhuck, Julie Schroth, Jack Sousa).

We will be presenting two special resolutions to the membership at this meeting. Please scroll down to read the resolution and explanation.



BE IT RESOLVED THAT the accounting of all monies in the Missions Fund be transacted through the General Fund and that all further funds received or distributed for Missions, as approved by the Board in each fiscal year, will be tracked as part of the General Fund budget.

Further, BE IT RESOLVED that the Missions Fund be closed.

Freedom Church operates with a fund accounting model and currently has four funds: General Fund, Missions Fund, Capital Fund and Kingdom Expansion Fund. Each year, as recommended by the Missions Committee and approved by the Board, a missions giving goal is set and funds are guaranteed to our missions partners by the end of the fiscal year. Monies received for missions and distributed to our missions partners are tracked through the Missions Fund. However, if the donations received for Missions do not meet the missions giving goal, the General Fund covers the difference and the Missions Fund then “owes” the General Fund those funds. The Board is in agreement with the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the Missions Fund be closed and Missions becomes a line item in our General Fund ledger under “Departments” to eliminate these funds being in a “due-to” or “due-from” position going forward. This will streamline our financial statements and amount to an internal administrative change. Giving to Missions, our annual missions giving goal and the tracking of all giving to Missions will continue as normal.




WHEREAS Freedom in Christ Assembly has been approached by Enova Power Corp with regards to adding an additional easement to the current easement held by Hydro One on the southwest corner of the property; and WHEREAS decisions regarding the title of the property held by Freedom in Christ Assembly are to be made by a vote of the membership; and WHEREAS the need to make a decision regarding this easement may arise before the next Annual Business Meeting;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors shall be given the authority to finalize this agreement on behalf of the membership without necessitating the calling of a special business meeting for a vote of the membership.

The southwest corner of our property currently has an Hydro One easement on it due to the overhead powerlines. We have been approached by Enova Power Corp on behalf of Mattamy Homes with a request to add an additional easement under their name to the current easement in order to facilitate the development of the property on the west and south of our lands. The Board has been working with Enova on this proposal over the past several months but it is not yet at a stage where it can be voted on by the membership. There is a strong possibility that Freedom will need to make a final decision about the proposed easement between Annual Business Meetings. Because adding an easement for Enova Power Corp involves the deed to the property, it will require a vote of the membership. To avoid the necessity of calling a Special Business Meeting for this matter which does not change the function of the lands or their future ability to be developed (as they are already un-developable due to the Hydro One easement), the Board is bringing forward a resolution that will allow them to make a final decision, after doing due diligence, on behalf of the membership.