We have so many great options for what’s next in your life following Jesus.

Choose between a CONNECT GROUP and a LIFE GROUP

Connect Groups meet for one session (February 5-April 9) and group members will choose a new group in the new year.

Life Groups meet for the duration of the school year (October-May) and group members will have the option to continue on or choose a new group in fall 2025. Listed group topic will be the starting point for Life Groups and other books/studies/topics will be added as the group grows together through the year.
NOTE: All Life Groups are currently full.

sunday debrief

This is a great place to start and you can jump into this group at any time! We will talk about Sunday’s message and go deeper into questions and themes that relate to it.

  • Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm

  • February 5 - April 9

  • led by Pastor Tracy & Alicia

  • format: Connect Group

  • recommendation: if you weren’t in attendance on the previous Sunday, listen to or watch the message before attending (if possible, not required)

  • location: Sanctuary

  • KidzConnect & childcare (0-3) available

Register for this group. →
Register for childcare or KidzConnect. →
NOTE: Registration for this group does not obligate you to attend weekly but helps us with planning and setup.


Wednesdays: starts April 30
Click here to learn about Alpha with Pastor Erin.

sunday night conversations

Pastor Tracy is taking a look at the big issues in our culture, what scripture says about them and inviting a discussion about them.
NEXT: SNC will resume in Fall 2025.

women’s prayer & Connection group

Join other women for prayer and connection once a month in the Freedom Community Centre. Led by Pernilla at 6:30pm. MORE INFO →

men of freedom

One Saturday morning per month, the men of Freedom meet for breakfast plus some other great times of connection through the year. MORE INFO →

MEN’S & WOMEN’S Mentoring

If you are an adult who would like the opportunity to be mentored, we would love to facilitate that for you. Contact Pastor Tracy to be connected with a mentor!

Alpha: hONEST CONVERSATIONS about faith

Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Each session includes time to connect, watch a talk on video, and share any thoughts or questions you have.

Curious about faith?
Maybe you grew up in church and wonder if what you learned is true.
Alpha is for you.

Our next Alpha Course runs from April 30 - June 25. Click for more information or to register.

check our NEXT Courses (self-directed studies).

You’ll find great resources to dig into at your own pace. If you ever need help or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! (email Pastor Tracy)

CP Group Icon - First Steps.png
CP Group Icon -  Life in the Spirit.png

if you would like to take first steps or life in the spirit at any time, let us know and we’ll set you up with a leader.

New believers will be introduced to the fundamentals of Christian living based on key Bible references.  Also a great refresher for long-time Christians as well as an easy to use discipleship tool. (Day/time to be determined by group.)

  • led by Freedom members

  • small group format

  • study guide will be emailed to participants or hard copies provided

  • platform used: Zoom or preference of group leader/members

Register to connect with a First Steps or Life in the Spirit group. →