Weekly Devotional (October 16)

We’ve been talking this fall about being decidedly different from the ways of the world because we have been transformed by Christ. Every day we make choices that reveal our allegiance to Jesus and his ways. Often our decisions are not what we would have made before we cared about what God thought of our actions. Now we ask ourselves what Jesus would do in our place and then do it. This separates us from the attitudes and values of those around us who don’t follow Christ which is what the Bible refers to as being in the world but not of it. In effect, you and I by living this way, reveal Jesus to the people who see us.

Last Sunday I began a series of messages from 1 Peter as a continuation of our focus on living transformed lives in Christ. We looked at some major things that we have been given as believers and we took time to praise the Lord in song for each one of them. It was a special time of worshipping God together that culminated in celebrating communion as an act of remembrance for Jesus’ gift to us of our salvation. On Wednesday at CP1 we continued to talk with one another about how recognizing and being overwhelmed by God’s grace in these things transforms our praise. We gladly offer praise to the Lord not because we feel we have to but because we want to.

This Sunday we will look at the next section of Scripture in 1 Peter 1:13-2:3. Take some time in the next few days to read it over and think what it means for you to be holy in all that you do.

  • What does it mean to be holy? What comes to your mind when you hear that word?
  • Isn’t God the one who’s holy? How is it possible to be like God?
  • How does this passage of Scripture describe holy living?
  • What would holiness look like in my everyday life? Is that how it looks now?
  • How do I become holy and stay holy?
  • What are the benefits for me to live a holy life?
  • How is the world around me impacted when I choose to be holy in everything?

 These are all great questions and I imagine you have others as well. Come to church this weekend prepared to enter into worship to God with your church family and to listen to what the Holy Spirit will say to you about your blessings and opportunities to shine as a bright light for Christ everywhere you go.

I’m looking forward as usual to seeing you Sunday…..blessings.

Pastor Del