How is your week going so far? You’ve probably had some unexpected things pop up to keep life interesting. I hope that you’ve had some moments of joy as well, times when you remembered how blessed you are by God is so many ways. If you find yourself in need of a pick me up, go to our website and read the stories of people you know who are experiencing God at work in their lives in practical ways. I am being so encouraged by these testimonies of down to earth faith in the everyday real world. Why not tell us your story of God’s activity in your life? You might be surprised how your faith is strengthened by doing it and how other people will be touched by it as well.
It was quite moving to see your response to the message last Sunday. As I opened my eyes after praying, I saw almost everyone in the room, including young people through to senior adults, standing in worship surrendered to God, asking for the Holy Spirit to fill us with his presence and operate miraculously in our midst. It was my privilege from the front to look out and see the whole group of you in a posture of openness to God, wanting to go deeper in your experience with him. It was a clear reminder of the incredible potential already in our church family for needs to be met that are far beyond our abilities to meet so that the kingdom of God can be built up and expanded through us. The Holy Spirit in us is not limited in any way so let’s stay open to his supernatural workings continually, specifically the operation of his spiritual gifts.
This Sunday I will speak to you about gifts that God has already given each one of us to serve with. As a follower of Christ you have been equipped to function within the life and ministry of our church in a way that seems to come naturally to you. In essence, the Holy Spirit has supernaturally given you a disposition towards and enabling to serve others for Christ effectively. When you put your gift to use it has a positive impact on your own spiritual growth. In fact, the Bible says that you and I have been created in Christ to do good works that he already has in mind for us to do. To not engage in kingdom service will actually stunt your spiritual growth and it will mean that the church family is not fully maximizing its kingdom potential. On the other hand, when every one of us puts our gift to use, the results are extraordinary. God is glorified and his kingdom expands.
To prepare for Sunday read Romans 12:3-8. You will see seven major ministry gifts listed and the context for their use. Perhaps you know how these gifts function and which one God has given you. If so, thank God for what you have to contribute to kingdom service and think about how he is using you in ministry. If you aren’t familiar with the ministry gifts, come ready to learn about them and be open to discovering and utilizing yours. I will give some practical ways that these gifts can be put to use right in our own church family. We will, as usual, follow up at CP1 on Wednesday with a deeper conversation and investigation about the potential the Holy Spirit has given us to encourage spiritual growth in our church body and impact our community in supernatural service
Pastor Del