Freedom Devotional (April 23)

Imagine with me a sunny day, sitting out on your deck with the perfect amount of sun, an iced tea in your hand, the perfect book ready to go and children playing quietly in the background . . . sigh.  That sounds like the perfect, contented, sunny afternoon.  In those moments life feels fantastic; nothing can get you down; life is perfect.

On that same sunny day, look in the window of the house and you might see dishes in the sink, an unswept floor, toys and the rest of the clutter from the week scattered around. Unlike the peace of the imagined outdoor scene, the inside doesn’t feel quite as serene. It’s the stuff of everyday life.

Here’s the rub -  being truly content is to know God’s peace and contentment no matter where you find yourself.  Truly, godly contentment has nothing to do with our circumstances but everything to do with embracing your life in Christ and endeavouring to live in the very centre of His will.

Contentment is an inner sense of rest and peace that comes from being right with God and knowing He is in control of everything that happens. So whether your day finds you dealing with the hum drum, the lowest of lows or the mountaintop highs, you can and should walk in peaceful contentment. 

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11, “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances”. We need to learn, as Paul did, how to walk through life with a godly peace and contentment that gives us rest and draws others to us because we are different.

This Sunday we’ll look at what Experiencing God’s contentment looks like from the life of Paul and Timothy and see if can’t unlock that in our lives in new ways.

See you Sunday!
