If you’ve been following along with our series this fall you have been given an expanded view of God and how he works in and through Christ’s followers. God knows that he has given us a huge assignment to undertake and has made provisions for us.
Personal daily spiritual growth requires devotion and commitment. Encouraging others in their faith life means sharing what we have for their benefit. Reaching out to the world around us with the gospel takes boldness and focus and caring. And the needs that people have are often complicated and impossible looking.
The challenges attached to all of these undertakings can be overwhelming, to say the least. Who among us is up to the task that Jesus has called us to? We are not talking about mere survival skills to cope with and get through the day, which many people are grasping for. No, we are looking at abilities that defy the normal course of things and engage any situation with confident expectation of divine intervention and resolution.
We have been speaking to you each week about the ‘more’ that is available to us through the Holy Spirit. More love, more power, more insight, more passion, more of God’s blessings poured out on us so that we can be used by God however he chooses. The more of God you ask him for, the more you will receive. Remember, God will always give us what we need when we need it. Often, God goes over and above.
This Sunday I will talk to you about some gifts God has for you to use in addition to the ones you’ve already received like salvation, wisdom, peace, love, power and more. To enable us to carry out the huge kingdom assignment he has given us, God has supernatural gifts to give us to do extraordinary ministry.
Read 1 Corinthians 12 over the next few days. It teaches us about spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit manifests through members of Christ’s church like you and me. These abilities go beyond what’s humanly possible so that needs are met supernaturally. The Holy Spirit maximizes our potential with these gifts to do the greater things that Jesus said his followers would do to advance the work of the gospel and glorify the Father.
As always, I look forward to meeting with you Sunday for a great time of worship and the word, witnessed by an awesome sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence upon us. Come expecting to be renewed and refreshed in spirit and mind and further equipped to go out and live for Jesus with confidence and purpose.
Pastor Del