Year End and Beginning (Freedom Devotional)

It’s hard to believe that 2016 is almost over. It feels like the year just got started a month or two ago, but here we are counting down a few short days until it’s finished.

Are you worn out from all the Christmas activities you’ve attended this past month or so? To add a little extra stress to the busyness, many of us have been fighting through sickness during this festive season. I’m praying that we all get healthy really soon.

At the same time, this year has been amazing. When I think about all the ways that God has been involved in our lives individually, as families and as a church family, I find myself overflowing with thanksgiving and praise.

Whatever challenges you’ve faced, as a follower of Jesus, you have never been alone. The Bible tells us that God is always working for the good of those who love him and live according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). I encourage you to take a moment to thank the Lord for his goodness to you over this past year even during difficult days.

This Sunday is New Year’s Day. In the spirit of reflection, the four members of our speaking team will each do a short message on ‘One Thing I Learned This Year’. We did this last year and felt like we should do it again. Don’t worry – the message won’t be four times as long. We will be sure to leave time for the other important acts of worship.

We will have Communion which is always a special church family experience. And then we will have a time of prayer of blessing for 2017. If you are by yourself, you can come. If you are with your family, come together. It does take some time so be patient as you get in line. Arlene and I look forward to praying for you along with others that will join us.

Don’t stay up too late New Year’s Eve so you will be ready to celebrate the awesomeness of God with Jesus and his church at 10 a.m. It’s going to be good.

See you Sunday.

Pastor Del