“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”Proverbs 11:25
Do you consider yourself to be a generous person? That’s a question worth asking yourself because the implications are enormous for you, your family and the work of God’s kingdom.
The Bible talks a lot about the potential of generosity. God reveals himself as being a lavish giver of good things to those who love him and keep his commands. Jesus was a model of sacrificial giving for the benefit of others during his earthly ministry. The people of the early church described in the book of Acts and the New Testament letters consistently shared everything they had with others.
Living this way is truly counter-cultural. It stands out in a society that promotes self-centredness and the sense of entitlement. What I have belongs to me and I deserve it. We don’t even realize how pervasive selfishness is until we see isolated acts of kindness towards others in need. As nice as that is, it is the exception more than the rule. The recent collective response of Canadians to the displaced residents of Fort McMurray is heart-warming for sure, but how long will it be before things go back to the way they were before the tragedy? My guess is not long.
What would our country look like if every person practiced generosity as a lifestyle? That it isn’t so much about how much I can get for myself that matters, but how much I have to give? Think about any situation. If generosity is shown by everyone involved, the potential outcome changes dramatically. I am talking about much more than money and possessions that are obvious considerations. What about all of the other things at our disposal that we many times take for granted? What if we were willing givers?
This Sunday I am starting a four-part series on living as a giver. I will deal with being generous with our thanks, grace, time and money during the series, four things that we all have to give. I hope to show you that the more generous you are the more blessed you will be and the more impact you will make for Christ in your everyday world
Pray for Bjorn, the youth team and students who will be participating at the district convention in Waterloo all weekend. May the Holy Spirit do an amazing work in all of them. And pray for all of us who will be meeting together Sunday morning on this long weekend that we too will experience a fresh visitation of God upon us.
Pastor Del