A Case for Christ (and other resources for learning about our faith)

As Bjorn was speaking on Sunday, he mentioned that there are lots of excellent resources available for us to be able to explore the evidence related to our faith. Have you ever had the chance to do some extra-curricular studying on Christianity and other world religions? Or been able to take some time to learn the answers to some of the most-asked questions about believing in Jesus? There's no time like the present! 

I want to encourage you to take to heart Paul's advice to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:15: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." Even as we put our faith in Christ alone, there are so many great things we can do and study to deepen and mature that faith so that we can be more effective in our lives and ministries. 

If you're ready to take up the challenge, Bjorn and I have put together some resources for you as a starting place. Once you read them, drop us an email and let us know what you thought about them and how they helped you!


The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Lee Strobel (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Jesus Among Other Gods
Ravi Zacharias (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Evidence that Demands a Verdict
Josh McDowell (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis (Available on Amazon and Chapters)

Some of these are available as audio books and a couple are available to borrow from our local library (Kitchener Public Library). And hey, maybe you have a copy of one of these books that you'd be willing to lend to someone else in our church family. Let us know and we'll try and get some resources shared among us.

I am praying for you as you apply yourself to "correctly handling the word of truth." No matter where you are on your spiritual journey or how long (or short) you've known Christ, let's all take another step in Him!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy