Be A Pacesetter: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Hebrews 12:1-3 immediately brings so many images to mind. The picture of a "great cloud of witnesses" is inspiring and overwhelming. (Who are the "great cloud'? Take a look in Hebrews 11!) There is a race taking place, there is training, there is a vision, and there is testimony that the race can be finished well. We're also reminded that we have a model and a coach who is the source of our vision and hope.

At the beginning of our new series - "Be A Pacesetter" - we are taking aim at the things that would keep us from running this race well... or have us stumbling down the track, tripping over our laces. We know we need to "fix our eyes on Jesus," but what are the things that keep us from looking to Him for strength and endurance along the way?

One of my favourite moments from 2016 was watching the women compete at the Rio Olympics in the 10,000m race. When I watched Almaz Ayana practically sprint across the finish line after having kept that pace for 10K I was amazed. But what was more amazing was how relaxed she looked, like she could have done another few laps just for fun. What does it take to run well over a long distance and still be ready for what's next? 

In our Christ-following lives the answer is simple: Do whatever it takes to be able to keep Jesus at the centre of our focus. He has not only promised to be everything we need, He's also given us the most beautiful example of looking ahead to the fulfillment of a promise. 

I'm looking forward to unpacking this with you on Sunday,
P. Tracy