Be A Pacesetter: Live Sacrificially

  • Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
  • Endure Hardships as Discipline
  • Run Hard for the Finish Line
  • Train Yourself to be Godly
  • Overcome Setbacks

These are the titles of the first five messages of our current Sunday series. If you have been at church or listening on-line and discussing the teaching with your CP1 group on Wednesdays, then you know how amazing it is to be in the spiritual race of life with Jesus, building confidence and endurance personally and, being aware that you have real potential to influence the people in your life to run with you.

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1

I hope that you are ready to tell anyone who will listen about your commitment to following Jesus daily and your willingness to show them how to do the same. When you are ready and willing, you will notice a deepening dependence on the Holy Spirit to help you stay on course and run effectively.

This Sunday I will conclude our series with a look at something that will set you apart as a model of Christ-likeness and give you substantial credibility for your witness. The life principle is something that doesn’t come to us naturally, but becomes part of our daily mode of operation instinctively – Live Sacrificially.

What does that look like? Jesus. Why should we do it? To be more like Jesus.

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us, and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1,2

Over the next few days, ask yourself how you can live this principle of self-sacrifice on a daily basis. What would that look like for you? Why would you deny yourself anything to benefit others who may or may not notice or care? How is generosity enhanced in your considerations and choices as a pacesetter who follows Jesus’ lead?

I look forward to meeting with you Sunday to dig into this deeper as part of our weekly church family worship gathering. Come expecting to meet with and hear from God.


Pastor Del