Revolutionize Your Everyday World

In this final message of our series from 1 Thessalonians, I want to show you how you can revolutionize your everyday world for Jesus. As a follower of Christ, you have been given an opportunity of a lifetime.

Jesus started his radical revolution when he came to earth two thousand years ago in human form. He influenced everyone he met to consider joining his movement full time. He demonstrated what he taught. He showed us how to live the way God intends us to.

As Jesus prepared to go back to heaven, he gave a clear assignment to everyone who would claim to be his disciple. That task is to live each day as he would if he were in our place. Doing this will make us more like him and it will give the people who see us an example for them to follow for their own transformation.

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” (Colossians 4:5).

Take a moment to think about the implications of these words for how you interact with the people in your life. What does it look like to use wisdom in how you act with those who don’t believe in Christ and make every interaction with them count for the kingdom?

In 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, the apostle Paul gives us three over-arching principles that we should operate by in order to influence outsiders for Christ. Read this passage over and see if you can spot them. Hint – they relate to the kind of neighbour we are, our standard of sexual morality and the way we love our church family.

I look forward to digging into this with you on Sunday. We will also be sharing in a time of communion as part of our worship experience together. Come expecting to connect with God and one another and be motivated to perpetuate Christ’s radical revolution of life transformation.


Pastor Del