Prayer and Princesses (yeah, this email includes both)

When I read what Margaret had written as a primer for her message this Sunday, I just wanted to give that the space that it deserved. LOL! So, just a quick note from my heart today...

I wanted to take a moment to remind us to be prayerful. We have a few people undergoing major surgeries this month and others having tests and hoping to receive good reports and clear diagnoses this month. You might know these stories and situations or you may not but here is a simple reminder to be prayerful. As the Holy Spirit drops a name or situation into your mind, pray. As you read these words, even if you don't know the names, pray. God hears and He answers. He is able. Let's pray and get ready to hear God has done.

Be blessed,
P. Tracy

This Sunday...

From the first time I heard it as a small child, the story of Esther has always been one of my favourites.

Many of you know that I love the Disney princesses, especially Cinderella. So, as a little girl I always thought that Esther should be the next Disney princess movie. Sadly, it has not happened yet but who knows... "dreams do come true!"

Thankfully as I have grown up and have matured in my faith, I can see that Esther's story is about more than just a girl who lived a glorious life because she was chosen to be the Queen. Esther was a woman of faith who trusted the plan and purpose God had for her life. She has become an inspiration to me and I look to her story as a reminder that with God it is possible to fulfill the purpose He has for each of us. 

I am excited to share with our Freedom family this upcoming Sunday. It is going to be fun service for the whole family. You won't want to miss it because you never know what crazy things I might do. 

(All children JK-Grade 6 will be staying in the service.  There will still be childcare for the Nursery/Preschool children.)

See you then!


You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Click HERE for this week's service link.