Looking Ahead (things you'll want to know)


I simply just have a lot of things I want you to know about this week. They're mostly practical things, needs, events for your calendar. But really, they represent much more than that. They are the stuff that connects us, encourages us, challenges us and inspires us. They are the stuff of a community that does life together. 

And so...

ON FRIDAY we are headed out to the Domms to celebrate the beginning of a new season. There will be corn. You'll want to bring some dishes to share, lawn chairs for yourself and your crew and clothes that are appropriate for the weather (and a bonfire later on!). Swimming is also an option if you're brave enough. Details are here.

ON SUNDAY we will have ministry on two fronts. 

At church we are starting our fall series, Flight Plan. Knowing that in our Christian life we need to grow and mature in our character and knowledge of Christ as well as share this incredible grace and love with others, our series will deal with both. One week we will be "inbound", dealing with the stuff that changes us and deepens us. The next week will be "outbound", dealing with the everyday challenges of sharing this Jesus-life that has changed us. The speaking team is READY for this series and we're excited.

In the community (speaking of being outbound), we will have a booth set up as part of the Williamsburg Community Festival. We'll be playing games and getting to know the people who live and work in this mission field we've been called to. Want to be a part of this (from 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm)? Just email Erin.

NEXT WEEK we will be launching back into some of the things we love and have missed over the past few months.

Connecting Point 1 will start on Wednesday (the 13th). The groups that meet at CP1 are always open... join us if you never have. We'll find a place for you and we'll be super glad to see you there. We have coffee and snacks and dig deeper into what was shared on Sunday morning. 

Freedom Community Centre programs will be starting up again. We still have a need for some piano teachers... if you're ready to jump in and accept this challenge, again, simply email Erin.

I am so genuinely excited for all of these things that I might burst. I invite you to engage with us, jump right in, see what happens and how being a part of a Christ-centred community can change your life.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

We are starting our fall series "Flight Plan" with a message that begins at the beginning. Just like when you play sports or are learning an instrument or a skill, it's important to come back to the fundamentals every once in a while. Think Vince Lombardi's, "Gentlemen, this is a football." What's the beginning for us? The cross, Jesus' sacrifice, our adoption and how God felt about this plan for salvation unfolding.

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.