"When the Lord works, He absolutely works..."

When the Lord works, He absolutely works, and He is working all of the time! 

First of all, I want to thank all of you for praying for my dad's heart problems. We have been praying for this to be used for His glory. I didn't know God's plan for my dad but I did know that this seemed like an incredible opportunity for some incredible things to happen. From the third audible word of my very first conversation with the Lord about my dad and this situation, He assured me that he was going to be ok. I had thought, oh maybe there would be reconciliation of relationships or people having seeds of faith planted in them; things like that would be incredible in and of themselves. What actually came of it blows my mind. 

My dad had an angioplasty procedure on Sunday afternoon. What was supposed to be a one hour in and out turned into a 5 hour high-stress, panicked ordeal for the surgeons. An artery in my dad's heart was knicked during the procedure, which is apparently common, but what was not common was that it wouldn't stop bleeding. No matter what they tried he continued to bleed out. 

What happened next is the "blow my mind part". The heart surgeon somehow discussed with a brain surgeon the circumstance that unfolded. The brain surgeon brought up a device that they use for such occurrences in the brain when they have uncontrolled bleeds. The heart surgeon decided to try it on my dad's heart. On the second attempt it worked! Pretty cool, hey? Except this had never been done on any heart patient in that hospital ever before AND there are other patients in the same situation that they are going to use this solution on because of how successful it was on my dad. They are even bringing it forward to a heart surgery conference as a tool for other surgeons that might find themselves in a situation where the normal means are not working. Dad isn't out of the woods yet but after visiting him yesterday the surgeon says that he's progressing in the right direction.

So, when I say God works when He works, He really does! A prayer asking for what I thought was something big was answered with assurance that no matter what, we cannot outdo our Father! He is oh, so good. He has continually shown me that a seemingly horrible situation in our own lives will not be wasted and can and will be used for His glory in His timing. When I told my dad yesterday the outcome of his ordeal was the saving of possibly countless other lives, he was so excited. 

Our God of the impossible, our God without limits, who has much wider vision than we do has done it once again. All praise is His. He is wonderful. He is amazing and I hope this example gives hope to all who are facing seemingly insurmountable situations. There are no limits to what God can and will do. Keep believing and keep talking to Him giving thanks all the while!

Submitted by Joel Bromley, Posted with Permission