A Response (Canada Summer Jobs Grants)

On Sunday, I took a moment to let you know about a situation that we are currently facing because of the policy changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program. As a church, we have historically received 4 or 5 grants each summer which significantly offset the cost of running our Malcolm's Day Camps. By keeping our costs low we are able to serve more families in our community and give them a fun, safe and caring environment for their children. Because we are not able to attest to or affirm the positions that the government is asking us to, we will be ineligible for these grants this summer.

Additionally, and more importantly than amount of grant money could be, we believe that these changes to the grant program violate our guaranteed freedoms of religion, thought, beliefs, opinion and associates offered by Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

You'll know that at Freedom we intentionally keep politics away from the pulpit. It is not my intention to tell you what to believe or agree with. At the same time, I know that many of you are concerned about this new policy and want to help in some way. I also want you to know that the staff and I are engaging with our MP and others in order to share how these changes will effect us now and going forward. 

If you would like to learn more and find out how to get involved, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has put together information and resources for churches. I urge you to follow this link and make sure you are in-the-know. Our denomination, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, is in full support of the EFC's resources and actions and are actively engaged in dialogue on this issue.

Together, let's take wise and gracious action as needed and unite in prayer for the religious freedoms we have known in our country. 

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Not If, But When

In the month of January our series is called "Sacred Word: The Promise of the Presence". We will be walking through a beautiful passage of scripture - Isaiah 43 - and spending time with the incredible promises we find. This week, Bjorn will be looking at the first five verses and talking about what happens when (not if) we go through trouble or hardship. 

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.
