Radical Revolution: Reproduce Your Faith

What an outstanding day it was last Sunday! To watch God work supernaturally in and through people who allow him continuous access to their lives is nothing short of amazing.

Never take for granted the favour of the Lord upon our church family generally and upon you and your family specifically as you participate in the life transformation mission that he has given to us to live out each day in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I could not be any more pleased with the overwhelming confirmation of Pastor Tracy as our next lead pastor. This is evidence of the unity and spiritual maturity of our congregation that are producing substantial eternal kingdom fruit. Your vote also shows your confidence in our leadership knowing God’s plan and direction for our church.

It seems somewhat surreal, but this Sunday I will begin my final series of messages as your senior pastor. As I considered and prayed about what to say to you I was led to share from 1 Thessalonians, Paul’s words to a local church that shares similar qualities and ministry opportunities with our Freedom church family.

I have called the series ‘Radical Revolution’ which will be for me a time of reflecting on what God has accomplished during my time with you and identifying what may very well be in store for you in the coming days. My hope is that you will better understand who you are in Christ as a church family and will be prepared to embrace the potential that you have to perpetuate the life transformation vision in our community and world.

The message this Sunday is Reproduce Your Faith in Others.

Over the next few days, study 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 and ask yourself:

·         What is life transformation for a follower of Christ?

·         In what ways would life transformation be a radical revolution for our community?

·         Why is it important for every Christ follower to reproduce his or her faith in others?

·         What motivates you to get involved in kingdom work?

·         Who are new Christians supposed to imitate and how is that a good thing?

·         How can you tell if you are reproducing your faith in Christ in others?

I look forward to getting together with you in a few days for our weekly church family reunion. Let’s come once again anticipating the Holy Spirit’s presence and work among us in a spectacular way so that Christ is exalted and the Father is glorified.



Pastor Del