A Blessing to Belong (considering church membership)

As we start a new year and once again have had nominations for the Board of Deacons in preparation for our Annual Business Meeting (on March 25 @ 6:00, by the way), I wanted to take a moment to remind you why participating in church life as a member is a great thing to do.

In short, becoming a member gives us a chance to be accountable to one another in the body of Christ. We get to declare that we belong to a body of believers and we are committed to helping each other and serving together for the Kingdom. We know from 1 Corinthians 12 that we are meant to be members of the church body together. This takes submission to our head, Christ, and a heart to serve each other. Through membership we also declare our investment in the local church as well as the universal Church. 

If this is a new idea for you to consider, here are a couple of articles about church membership that you might find helpful:

Membership Matters: 3 Reasons for Church Membership

6 Reasons Why Membership Matters

And if you want to consider becoming a member of Freedom in Christ Church, I would love to have that conversation with you. Here is a link to the Membership Application Package so that you can look it over.

I'm looking forward to Sunday when Bjorn takes us through the final verses of Isaiah 43 and we again look at the promise of the presence of God.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Forgotten

So many great promises have been lined up for us in Isaiah 43, not to mention the reminders of what God's people had seen and experienced in the past. You would think that anyone who saw God move so powerfully would be completely sold out! You might imagine them saying, "I will never forget," "I will never turn aside," or "You are the One True God." When I read scripture I often wonder how God's people could be so blind. It's like they saw God's power, rejoiced, and then moved on with what they were doing before. Unimaginable. Until I examine my own life and the human condition. How does God put up with it? On Sunday I want to talk about God's response to our unfaithfulness. See you then. 

- Bjorn

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.
