A Step of Obedience (a great way to end 2018!)

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Talking about our faith can be intimidating. It brings up a bunch of insecurities and worries about whether we are equipped to answer questions, how people will respond and if we're going to alienate our friends, families and co-workers. And yet, I don't think anyone would argue the point that we are definitely called to boldly share our faith and tell others about the life-transforming power of Christ in our lives.

One of the incredibly important ways we do this is to be baptized in water. When we choose to get into that water we are saying to everyone gathered that Christ is the centre of our lives and we are committed to living for Him and in Him forever.

While water baptism isn't usually done in front of a crowd of unbelievers, it is a testimony to your friends, family and church (and whoever you invite!) of who Jesus is. It builds our faith and reminds of the importance of setting our lives apart for God. It's absolutely one of my favourite things in church life.

If you have made a decision to follow Christ and have never been baptized in water this is your chance to take that step of obedience. We have set aside time in our 5th Sunday service on December 30th for baptisms and it would be our JOY to facilitate this for you!

If you want to learn more, here is a link to the information we provide to people who are interested in getting baptized - it's a great resource.

I know we have a lot of things on-the-go between now and the end of the month but don't miss your opportunity to tell everyone about your decision to follow Jesus on 5th Sunday.

Looking forward to continuing to celebrate Advent with you this weekend!
Pastor Tracy


This Sunday

The Gift of Grace

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Erin continues our Advent series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.