Biblical Literature and Hermeneutics (boring title, great information)


You've heard Bjorn and I make special mention of CP1 over the past few Sundays. Why? Because we are taking the Bible study principles that we're using to prepare our messages and practicing them with more depth on Wednesday nights. The advantages are obvious, of course. We've been able to add to our skill set and do it together so that we can learn from each other while we're at it. It's been excellent. 

Maybe you have to work on Wednesday evenings or have another commitment in the calendar and you haven't been able to be with us. I don't want you to miss out on some of the great stuff that we've been covering together because, well, I care about you. 

So, here is the content that we've covered on the last three Wednesdays evenings. They are just outlines but they should still be able to give you some extra help and insight into how to be a student of the Word. Here's the content:

This has helped us to journey from getting more out of our devotional reading of scripture to learning to dig deeper into the Word and use best practices when we're reading the Bible. Week 4 (this coming Wednesday) will be a culmination of the first three sessions.

If you've been with us for CP1 this month, I'm so glad! Go ahead and use these resources to go back and review what we've been learning together.

As always, if you have any questions just give me a shout!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

The Bible Says Whut? "The Lord Hardens Hearts"

There have been times when I have read the Bible and found myself questioning God's ethics. Ridiculous, right? I wish I could say that it has been a long time since that has happened. In truth, I have really wrestled with this week's scripture (Exodus 9:12). I know that I am not the only one to engage in such bouts with God. On Sunday, let's come together and learn how to wrestle with God's word appropriately - with honesty, reverence and humility.

- Bjorn

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.