In The School of Prayer (when we find the Christian life difficult)

Just like last week, I want to share some thoughts from a devotional book comprised of excerpts from Andrew Murray's writings. (The book is "Power in Prayer".) In light of my tag-team message with Bjorn this coming Sunday, here is this week's instalment:

"We find the Christian life difficult because we seek for God's blessing while we live according to our own will. We make our own plans and choose our own work, and then we ask the Lord Jesus to watch and see that sin does not overtake us and that we do not wander too far from the path. But our relationship to Jesus ought to be such that we are entirely at His disposal. Every day we should go to Him first, humbly and straightforwardly, and say, 'Lord, is there anything in me that is not according to your will, that has not been ordered by you, or that is not entirely given over to you? What would you have me do today?'"

From Divine Healing by Andrew Murray
Excerpt from Power in Prayer

Be blessed as you surrender to God each day,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

School of Prayer: Teach Us Surrender & Trust

"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
"Give us today our daily bread." 

It's such a simple prayer but it's completely packed with meaning. What does it mean to trust God for our daily needs? How do we learn to rely on Him not ourselves? This Sunday Bjorn and I will be doing a tag-team message that incorporates what we had planned for last week and this week. We're looking forward to unpacking these important truths with you! - P. Tracy

You can follow along with the message on YouVersion Events. Here's the link.
