The Path to Holiness (still in the School of Prayer)

As I was preparing my heart for this coming Sunday, another challenging passage from Andrew Murray's Power in Prayer came to my mind. Here is some food for thought as you turn your heart toward the weekend.

"The name Holy Spirit teaches us that it is particularly the work of the Spirit to impart holiness to us and make it our own.

"The holiness of God in Christ becomes holiness in you because His Spirit dwells in you. The words Holy and Spirit and the divine realities they represent are now inseparably and eternally united. You can only have as much of the Spirit as you are willing to have of holiness. And you can only have as much holiness as you have the indwelling Spirit. 

"Some pray for the Spirit because they long to have His light and joy and strength, but their prayers accomplish little increase of His blessing or power. It is because they do not truly know or desire Him as the Holy Spirit. They are not acquainted with His burning purity, His convicting light, His putting to death the deeds of the flesh, and His leading into the fellowship of Jesus, who gave up His will and His life to the Father.

"He reveals and imparts the holiness of Chris. Jesus speaks of 'the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, [who] will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you' (John 14:26). He is the Spirit of Christ. Our hope is awakened to believe that He will work mightily in us."

- Originally taken from The Path to Holiness

Looking forward to being transformed by the Word with you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy


This Sunday...

School of Prayer: Teach Us To Be Holy

On Sunday we continue in our School of Prayer asking God to teach us to be holy. Talk about "praying the impossible!” We understand that God has a standard for us - but holiness? Isn’t that something we should only expect from God? Not according to scripture. Let’s talk about it on Sunday.  - Bjorn

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