FAQs of Jesus (the asker become the askee)

We are starting a new series that is going to carry us through the next six weeks until Advent begins. (True! Christmas is coming!) I wanted to share with you the idea behind this series and invite you along for the journey.

The premise is simple: What are some of the questions Jesus asked?

When you take even the quickest glance at the gospels, you can see that Jesus asked powerful, challenging, probing, merciful and, well, great questions.

So often our spiritual journey is filled with questions for God and about God. Why would He do this? Why does He allow that? What does He want from my life? And I could continue to fill this space with a million more. There is no doubt that we know the relationship between faith and questions.

But I started to wonder what Jesus was asking me. If our relationship is filled with questions I'm asking Him, perhaps I should be wondering what He might be asking me. And what kind of insight and wisdom and conviction might I find in His questions?

The heart of this series is to discover the questions that Jesus asked and let them be asked of us. We won't have time to talk about all of them but we will let Him ask:

Who touched me?
Do you want to get well?
What is it that you want?
Do you love me?
Why do you break the command of God?
What is that to you?
Does this offend you?

There is so much truth and beauty to uncover in these questions and I'm excited for dig into them with you over the next few weeks. I'm coming ready to hear from Him - join me!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

FAQs of Jesus
”Who Touched Me?”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy starts our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.