Christmas is a Time to... Invite! (and love, and give, and share, and...)

One of the best things about this season is how much time we spend thinking about others. We think about gifts that people would like and what their favourite foods are. We think about the less fortunate and marginalized and look for ways to be generous. We think about people's schedules and coordinate times with friends and family that work best for everyone. We send notes and thank people for being in our lives and for what they've meant to us through the year. Christmas is an amazing season.

So while you're thinking about others, why not think about the most important way that you can impact someone's life this year? Introduce them to Jesus. Or, for those who know about Him but are far from Him, reintroduce them to Jesus.

There are so many ways you can do that, of course, but we've tried to make one of those ways as easy for you as possible... just invite them to one of our Christmas services! We are intentionally building these "Christmas in Williamsburg" events to be engaging and relatable and most of all, ensuring that we share Jesus with everyone in the room.

That's just the beginning, of course. Any guest that you bring to church will be most impacted by how you share your life and story with them afterward. But it would be our pleasure to help to set the stage and introduce your friends and family to the Light of the World, Immanuel, this Christmas.

Our big and fun Christmas service will be on Sunday, December 22nd during our regular service time at 10:00. Why? We want you to be able to invite people who already have standing traditions in their families and wouldn't be able to attend on Christmas Eve.

Our Christmas Eve service will be candlelit and centred on worship, as we gather our hearts up and get them prepared for Christmas Day.

Both are open to everyone, both will share the beautiful story of Jesus coming for us and both are a great opportunity to invite someone to church as a starting point for their life transformation story to begin (or continue!).

Oooo... I can't wait for Christmas! We have invitation cards available at the church and you can also click the button below so you can simply download the invitation and share it with the person you're thinking about this season or on your social media accounts.

In the meantime, see you on Sunday for another beautiful Advent service with guest speaker, Joanne Goodwin.

Pastor Tracy


This Sunday

God With Us
”In the Wilderness”

Join us this Sunday at 10am as our guest speaker, Joanne Goodwin, brings the next message in our series and specifically share about mental health.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.