Are You Comfortable? (the answer: yes and no)

I've done a few things in the past couple of weeks that have been outside of my normal routines. They've been little challenges that have come to me as opportunities to step out of my comfort zone. I've found myself frequently with butterflies in my stomach, wondering why I had said yes. Why break out of what I know and where I feel safe? It can be pretty nerve-wracking to think of being vulnerable and knowing that there is a good possibility of making a mistake. So, while I'm on my way to one of these opportunities I inevitably find myself second guessing my yes.

But I've started to realize that one of the keys to life is being securely comfortable in the right things so that you can be mindfully uncomfortable in ways that help you to grow.

There are some things that I am striving to become more and more comfortable with; things that I have settled and cannot be shaken from. These include the vast and sacrificial love that God has for me (yes, insignificant me!), His grace that is free and freely given because of Christ, His goodness and perfection in all things, the power that is available to me by the indwelling Holy Spirit... just to name a few. These anchors of my identity are things I want to grow more and more comfortable with every day. I want to wear them like a garment.

This, of course, doesn't mean that I want to take any of it for granted. Certainly not! But I strive to live in the security of belonging to Christ.

And from that place I am able to step outside of what is comfortable for me in the routines of my life. When I am secure as a daughter of God I can step out in faith, be useful to the Kingdom in new ways and say yes to things that scare me.

Who dictates the next yes in your life? Your comforts or the God of All Comfort?

Walking in the challenge with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

”I AM the Gate for the Sheep”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues our series.

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