Acts 2:42-47 in Quarantine (Part 2) (staying devoted to the fellowship)

I can't tell you how much I have learned over the past four months. There have been so many lessons in life and leadership and I'm desperate to not forget any of them as we move into new stages of recovery from COVID-19. My attitude is that it's been a difficult time so I want to get out of it as much as I possibly can.

Last week I challenged you to take a look at Lesson 5 from our First Steps course and ask if you are staying "devoted to the fellowship" through this crisis.

This week, it would be great to collect some ideas of how we are doing this in real time. I'll share a few ideas and feel free to add yours by emailing me or leaving a comment on our blog or socials.

  1. Attending a service if you are able. Yep, we're wearing masks. Yep, there are some things to check off and assigned seating when you get there. But the experience of being with other believers, responding to the same message, worshiping at the same time and experiencing the presence of God with real, live people is more powerful than I can put into words.

  2. Serving others in a tangible way. Knowing about needs and meeting them is an amazing way to express your devotion to others. Through this pandemic we've had a coordinated effort to meet needs by dropping off meals, giving gift cards and household items to ones who were struggling, and financially supporting our food bank. I've heard about some of you who are doing this in an uncoordinated way by having a person on your heart and reaching out to them in similar ways. Yes!

  3. Praying intentionally. Many of you have asked to be added to our Prayer Network and check into that list of requests faithfully, bringing every need to God. Some of you have adopted a posture of prayer in the last few months that has been challenging and rich for you. Prayer not only connects our hearts, minds, actions and attitudes to God, it connects our hearts with one another in a very, very special way.

Those are some of the things I'm seeing and participating in. And with that list in place, I'm going to finish this the same way I did last week...

Without question this has been the most challenging time to figure this out in real life. But we obviously do not stop being the church when there are obstacles in the way of gathering as the church. For me, that offers up the opportunity to check my relationship to the body and ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to stay connected in new and meaningful ways.

I would love to hear from you. How are you staying devoted to the fellowship when gathering is such a challenge? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you and your family? Let me know! (

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Pastor Tracy

PS - Here is Lesson 5 from First Steps. It was your homework the week. If you haven't already, I challenge you to choose a day and make it your devotional. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know how to be Devoted to the Fellowship during a pandemic. Rob and I are doing the same.

PPS - Want the whole First Steps course? It's available in hard copy or PDF.

This Sunday


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