Advent | Peace (prayers and readings for the weeks of Advent)

We are getting ready for the third Sunday of Advent and again, the chance to bring our attention back to the longing and expectancy of the Jewish people as they waited for the Messiah, which reminds us how desperately we also need a Saviour. It continues to point us to the coming of that very Messiah and the fulfillment of the promise that He really would come, which reminds us to be looking and waiting expectantly for His second coming. This is an incredible season.

To help us celebrate, I've again provided a prayer and some readings (Old Testament, New Testament, Gospel and Psalm) that I have gone back to many times over the years and find helpful.

Advent Readings & Prayers: Week 3

As we did in our service last Sunday, we will pause to pray the prayer together, so I encourage you to read it over before Sunday.

This Sunday's Advent theme is peace and I'll be teaching from Matthew 24 with the reminder that when we see chaos all around us, He is peace.

With Christ's perfect peace,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Secure in the Future
When You See Chaos, He is Peace


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.