50 Days After Easter (aka Pentecost Sunday)

Sunday marks 50 days since Easter. It's a pretty special day on the Church calendar because what happened that day, as recorded in Acts 2, was nothing less than incredible. Jesus, after promising to be with us always, ascended into heaven and ten days later, the Holy Spirit was poured on the disciples who were waiting in Jerusalem for this promise to be fulfilled.

To get ready for Sunday, I wanted to share a few resources with you that might help you understand the significance of this day more deeply and to see how its impact is still relevant for your life every day.

YouVersion Reading Plan: Pentecost - 5 Day Devotional
We started this on Tuesday but you can start whenever you want!

Life Transformations Course: Life in the Spirit
Download for free and use it as a personal bible study. Let us know if you want to talk about the content with someone or have any questions.

Book: Simply Spirit-Filled
This book by Dr. Andrew Gabriel is easy to read, relatable and helpful in exploring issues around and objections to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Academic Study: The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke
This book is an academic work by Dr. Roger Stronstad but don't be intimidated - it's still very readable!

There's so much to discover and learn about the Holy Spirit and we have limited time on Sunday mornings so I encourage you to get curious and dig a little deeper this season of Pentecost.

Don't forget that I'm always here to bounce ideas and questions off of if you need a sounding board or someone to point you in the right direction!

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday through the lens of my iPhone,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Did you hear that 5th Sunday, May 30th is going to be a drive-in service?? Yeah!! Details in next week's devo but plan to be here IN PERSON... even if it's inside your vehicle!

This Sunday

Pentecost Sunday: The Power of Peace

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.