Sunday Night Conversations (come for coffee, information and discussion)

I've heard from many people over the past several months that they just don't know how to respond to some of the tough questions that are being posed by their kids, their coworkers, the media... basically, our culture. Some have told me that they know what we believe but don't know why. Some have told me that they don't know where the church stands on certain issues. Some are asking how to teach their kids a biblical response to hot topics. Fair enough. Things are changing at breakneck speed and it's harder and harder to keep up.

With that in mind, I wanted to create a space where we could have these kinds of conversations. And I do mean conversations. While I'm not opposed to speaking about big issues on a Sunday morning, I believe that these topics need to be discussed, questions should be freely asked and time should be spent chewing on them.

This is why I'm not leading a CP group this season. I've been working on putting together Sunday Night Conversations, a series of sessions that will present the biblical viewpoint on big issues, offer a Christian response and give time and space for the "yeah, but what about(s)..." that you might have heard from others or have yourself.

I'm inviting you to join me for our first Sunday Night Conversation on Sunday, October 23 @ 6pm. We will be talking about the sanctity of life - abortion and medical assistance in dying. I'll share and then open up the conversation.

These conversations are open to anyone of any age but parents should use discretion as our content will be mature, controversial and likely rated PG-13.

Join me for a cup of coffee and a conversation a week from Sunday. I'd love to hear from you.

Pastor Tracy


The Call to Serve
Erin Jamieson


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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