We Speak Jesus (a personal reflection)

On Sunday our worship team introduced the song "I Speak Jesus" and it was incredible to listen to the church declare their faith in Him. Why is it so powerful to speak the name of Jesus "over" every situation, need, place and relationship? Not because "Jesus" is a magic word but because He truly does have both the power to intervene and the depth of love to care about all of our lives. Only He can be trusted with each of these things and only He can meet every need. When that gets deep into our hearts and gets expressed in our worship, it's powerful.

This song has been particularly special to me over these past few months. Many of you know some of the deep waters our family has been walking through and unfortunately, the pain that we've felt is universally known by us all at some time or another in our lives. That's the deal while we live in a broken, fallen world. But this song is one that was dropped into my playlist at just the right moment in time and has helped to anchor me in some important truths.

When I "speak Jesus" over my family and against the enemy who is looking to steal, kill and destroy, I invite the Spirit of Jesus to do what He promised to do - be with me, always. We talked about it on Sunday: we are never alone. He invites us to bring our weakness let Him show His strength. We bring our brokenness and let Him be our Healer. We bring our need and let Him be our Provider. We bring our battle and let Him win the victory.

I've had a few people encourage me by telling me that I am strong. I very much appreciate the sentiment and receive it with gratitude. But I've had to reply that the opposite is entirely true. I am not strong and perhaps I've never been more weak. And more miraculously, I have never experienced the presence of Jesus more profoundly than over these past months as I've given Him my weakness. I've said more than once, "This stuff we talk about on Sundays? It literally works. Like, for real - Jesus is all.”

I told you on Sunday and I'll tell you again because it bears repeating: You are not alone. Jesus promised to be with you always and He is. The Holy Spirit lives in you and will sustain, strengthen, correct, love, teach, encourage, remind (how long can I make this list?).... you if you learn to trust Him. It literally works. Like, for real.

Be encouraged, friends. His strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). He is always with You and He is strong enough to meet every need. Go ahead and speak His name first every day in every circumstance. His name is power; His name is healing; His name is life.

Pastor Tracy


The Availability of the Holy Spirit
Guest Speaker: Dr. Chris Padiath


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)

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