I witnessed an interaction at work earlier this week that stuck with me. Not in a positive way. Two people, presumably unknown to each other. (It’s a very big factory). A lady carrying a box, a man holding a hot coffee. Add a hidden corner, and you get the result you expect. A collision. No box dropped. Very little coffee spilled. But the reaction? Both were shocked, neither happy. But one in particular looked like he presumed the other had woken up that day with the sole intent of ruining his entire day by intentionally planning a collision and spilling a mouthful of coffee. Total overreaction. Particularly in an environment where you may potentially work with that person someday.
Small incident on a global scale. But it got the wheels turning. There a general unease in society, and I don’t think it’s just in my head. I’ve seen many more examples like this personally. A quick read through the headlines will confirm that violent crime is up.
So what’s going on? Schools send a strong social justice message home with our kids from an early age. Corporations are quick to advertise how virtuous they are, and how you should be too. Most new blockbuster movies have an underlying message. Professional sports teams paint their fields with positive messaging. So how are so many aspects of our society in decline?
Is it possible that the message of social justice combined with moral relativism leaves us in a state of confusion? Is it possible that perhaps we need an anchor to attach our morality to? What would our culture look like if more of us recognized that as humans we are flawed and broken, and perhaps would do well to seek the One who not only created us, but gave us His word to follow, and a path to redemption when we fail?
What would our news sites post if we turned to follow the Greatest Commandment?
Eric Jackson
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
KEYS TO THE KINGDOM: Unlocking the Parables
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
Tracy Dunham
10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)