Who is Church? (welcome to our new series)

There are so many times in our lives when we need a mediator. Couples go to therapy so there is someone to mediate their communication and conflict. Parents (especially as the summer is almost over) have to mediate fights between their (bored, need-to-go-back-to-school) kids. Lawyers act as mediators between the accused and the law. Sometimes we need a go-between.

When we were in the process of adopting our kids, we had to rely on the mediation of others. We hired an adoption agency that not only facilitated the process, but went to court on our behalf as our power-of-attorney to speak for us. When there were mysterious delays, our MP would call his contact in Canadian immigration and find the source of the problem well before our agency knew there was an issue. We needed someone to advocate for us, to go right to the source, and we were powerless to do this for ourselves.

That’s where we’re starting in this new series that I’m calling “Who is Church?”

We’re starting with the foundation of understanding just how ordinary, broken, sinful people like you and me can possibly know the God of the universe and talk with Him and have Him hear us and respond to us. As miraculous as it is, the Bible actually explains how this is possible.

And looking ahead, this series is going to outline who the church is – the members, the deacons and the pastors. I hope you’ll find it helpful and deepen your understanding of how we are an expression of the body of Christ in this local church.

To start off we're going to talk about the priests this Sunday. Yep, the priests. (But we don’t have priests! I know, stick with me.) And, we're going to be gathering around the communion table together. I'm really looking forward to digging into this with you!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

(PS - Spoiler alert... you are the priests. This is going to be good...)


The Priests
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)

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