What Did You Learn Today? (it wasn't nothing!)

For some of you, the very thought of school makes you uncomfortable. All you wanted to do was graduate grade 12 and never look back. I get it. The word “learn” often makes us think about negative experiences in a classroom setting. Maybe you associate it with bullies, academic struggles, an unreasonable teacher or just the angst of being a teenager.

Whether you loved school or wish I would stop reminding you of it, the good news is that learning isn’t limited to what we did in K-12. Learning is happening all the time. What did you learn today? Big or small, important or inconsequential, it wasn’t nothing.

Another one of our core values is LEARN. (We talked about ENGAGE last week.) I truly don’t want you to be intimidated by that word, no matter how brutal your grade eleven math teacher was. I want every member of Freedom to be excited by the idea that they are called to learn to think and act like Jesus. Each of us is enrolled in the life-long course of following Him, studying Him, imitating Him and being challenged by Him.

There isn’t an entrance exam, there are no prerequisites and you don’t have to sit in a classroom. This learning happens as you live your life surrendered to Christ and apply yourself to surrendering to His life-transforming work in you.

This learning happens as you pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. He shows you His will, reveals Jesus to you, shines light on things that need to be illuminated, convicts what needs to change and strengthens you with all the power you need to live what you have learned.

This learning happens as you read the Bible. Little by little you understand the heart and character of God. As you are exposed to wisdom and truth, your mind is renewed and your thinking changes. New thinking leads to peace and faith and finding everything you need through your knowledge of Him.

This learning happens as you walk alongside others who are also learning. As our small group went through a simple list of questions last week, we found ourselves listening to one another’s ideas and insights, asking more questions and searching for answers in the bible together (yep, we even opened Google on our phones to help us find what we were looking for!). I learned so much from their desire to know more and I hope they learned from mine, too.

Learning to think and act like Jesus is transformative. Opportunities to learn are all around you, every day. They all require a degree of intentionality and in my experience, every ounce of effort pays off in dividends.

So, what are you learning today?

Learning with you,
Pastor Tracy



I Am Learning to Be Like Jesus
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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