Be Kind to Future You (thinking about tomorrow... sowing and reaping)

I didn't want to tidy up the kitchen before I went to bed on Saturday night. Who does? But what I really didn't want was to try and make my coffee around a mess in the morning. So, I tidied the kitchen and yes, Sunday-morning Tracy was grateful to Saturday-night Tracy.

This is a classic time management principle that is often referred to as being kind to "future you". What would your future self be grateful for if you did it today? Do that thing. You will not regret it.

I was telling my daughter about this principle and as I said it out lout, I realized that it also speaks directly to our spiritual lives. What will future-Tracy be glad that today-Tracy did? What are the activities and habits that will build the faith, trust in Jesus and hope that I will almost certainly need to draw on in the years to come? What do I need to say no to, give up, or let go of that isn't going to serve future-Tracy's spiritual health and maturity?

How can I be kind to future-Tracy? How can I set her up for success?

Sometimes, like the chores we do around the house, our daily spiritual disciplines can seem small or insignificant. They might be easy to skip or skim over, to put off until tomorrow or even another season in life. But consider your future self. What a kindness to gift yourself with a deeper knowledge of the Word, a fluent prayer life, and a growing ability to hear and respond to the voice of the Spirit.

I mean, isn't this exactly the principle of sowing and reaping that we read about in scripture? (See Galatians 6:7-9)

Consider this for yourself today... how can you be kind to future-you?
Do (or start!) that thing today.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JUNE 11 @ 10am
James 5:16
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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