So Many Reasons (why serving matters)

We are fighting a battle in the Canadian church. We are constantly battling to live our beliefs and not just try to survive the busyness of one day to the next. A culture of overwhelm surrounds us and it seems that everyone lives beyond their capacity. This pressure isn't going away any time soon. It's one of the hallmarks of our culture. And, it's not just us. It's human nature.

I was struck by this in Psalm 39:6 (NLT) - "We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing." So, take heart, it's not just you. It was King David's observation in the 10th century BC, too!

As the church, we will always be pushing back against this cultural norm. We know that Scripture teaches us to be about "one another". The example that Jesus gave us was one of intentional living, withdrawing to be with the Father, and serving everyone He met from that source of strength. We are called to do the same.

Let's lament for a moment how difficult this can be. Maybe it's the expectations of family or work. Maybe it's a health challenge or a personal crisis. Maybe it's the pressure of raising a family and working to make ends meet. Whatever your situation, God sees and knows. The call to us is not to add even more to our schedules but to be mindful that our schedules are serving our call.

Perhaps counter-intuitively, finding ways to serve others is one of the best ways to fight the cultural trend. When I structure my life to include using what I have (time/resources/talents) to benefit someone else, my life gets richer. I find meaningful community and push back on the loneliness epidemic we hear so much about. I gain perspective on my issues and challenges as I meet someone else in their place of need. I go to bed at night with a full heart. It's very freeing when my life is about more than just me and my "busy rushing that ends in nothing."

I bet you've found the same thing.

So, as you enter these beautiful summer months, hopefully with some extra rest booked on your calendar, I invite you to consider how you are serving. Is it time to start? Time to make a change? Time to challenge yourself? Time to reorganize your family's schedule? This is a great season to evaluate!

On Sunday, Pastor Erin, Pastor Ethan and I reminded you of how you can get involved in church life and find meaningful ways to serve at Freedom. You can find that information here. But wherever God is calling you, however He has equipped you, don't miss out on the blessing of serving others!

Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!


SUNDAY, July 4 @ 10am

The Fruit
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.