Sunday Follow-Up

More From Sunday... (before we go to our next series)

I really enjoyed the last few minutes of the service on Sunday when I was getting responses from the congregation. The question was: how do you stay connected to the Head and the Body (that is, of course, Jesus and His church)? You can watch it here if you missed it.

We can never underestimate the power of making the scriptures a part of our daily lives as one of the vital way that we live out an answer to the above question. With that in mind, let me personally invite you to the scripture memory challenge that Pastor Erin has posted in the Connecting Point Facebook Group.

In September, the challenge was to memorize Ephesians 2:8-9:

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."

In October, the challenge will be to memorize Romans 15:13:

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Will you join us and take another step toward connection by memorizing the Word with others in community?

Feel free to join us in our CP Facebook Group at any time. We'd love to have you there to share prayer requests, encouragements and challenges like this one!

Together in Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Reconciling the Past
You Don’t Know What I’ve Done


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Walking on Glass (inspired by our OFF Campus!)

Faith isn't just about that first step... it's many steps that get easier as you take the next step and the next one and see that God is always faithful. Take a look at this week's video devotional, inspired by our OFF Campus!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Enoch: Faith to Seek

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Count Your Blessings (name them one by one)

Keeping a gratitude journal has become a popular thing in the past several years. It's the practice of finding a bit of time each day to write down what you're thankful for. Studies have shown that gratitude can improve your physical and mental health, help you sleep better, and improve your self-esteem.

This really isn't a surprise since we know that gratitude is a key part of our lives of worship and given to us as a command in may places. Here are a few examples: 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Colossians 1:14, Colossians 3:15, Psalm 100:4.

Life is not always easy... maybe it feels like it rarely is for you. But as I was reminded by a friend recently, knowing difficulty can make the joy and gratitude that much deeper and sweeter.

My heart was so full starting this week that I wanted to do what that old chorus told us to do... "Count your blessings, name them one by one; count your blessings see what God has done..."

God has faithfully:

  • allowed us to gather and encourage each other on Sunday in multiple venues at the same time (car + radio or livestream!)

  • provided a financial miracle for our church (more on that soon!)

  • let me see many of your faces as you drove out of the parking lot... my favourite "Lobby Time" ever!

  • provided a free washer and dryer set for the Freedom Community Centre - we had been praying for this for some cool opportunities coming up in that space!

  • given me the opportunity to meet and bless my neighbours in ways I haven't ever had the chance to

  • hear more and more and more stories about conversations you guys are having with your friends, neighbours, co-workers and family members about Christ

And on and on it goes. Sometimes we can name a specific provision, sometimes we celebrate a conversation we've been able to have, sometimes we are grateful for a time of receiving specific direction from the Lord... He blesses in more ways than we can name.

Remember - and I don't say this tritely - that even when the day is dark and you are finding it very hard to count your blessings, you always, always, always have Jesus. Even if things aren't easy or you feel lost or you are anxious and afraid, we always have Him. You are still seen, loved, forgiven, held, kept, redeemed, made whole and being prepared for eternity with Him.

Are you celebrating His goodness and presence in your life?
I'd love to hear about it. Drop me a line any time:

One by one,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Creation: Faith to Understand

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Drive In & Check Your Gauges (it's 5th Sunday!)

Rob has a very consistent habit of resetting the trip odometer in the vehicle every time we fill up the tank. The idea is that every week or two we can do a check in to see how the gas mileage compares to the last few weeks and over the long haul. I'm told that if your mileage is getting worse it can point to an issue that you need to have looked at: tire pressure, air filter, fuel system... and a bunch of other things that came up when I Googled it.

We're using our 5th Sunday services to act like a bit of a trip odometer this year. We started in January by creating a Life Transformation Goals for 2021 and lots of you took the opportunity to download and fill out the form. If you did, it's time to pull it out, look at where you're at, make any adjustments that the Lord is leading you to and pray about where you'd like to be by the time our next 5th Sunday rolls around (August!).

If you haven't started using this resource, it's available to you any time at

It's not about perfection, it's about intentionally investing in your discipleship this year.

And to push the mileage analogy even further... we're having a DRIVE-IN SERVICE on Sunday!!! We're so excited!

Here's what you need to know:

  • Come a few minutes before 10:00 to get parked and settled.

  • The Host Team will meet you in the driveway with a special kit for your car and will let you know where to park.

  • Please stay in your vehicle while you're on the property.

  • Once you're parked, take a look a the fun stuff in your car kit!

  • The service will be about 30 minutes in length.

  • The Host Team will assist in dismissing vehicles from the parking lot in an orderly way.

We can't wait to see you!

If you can't be with us, we will still be livestreaming the service on Facebook Live as usual and you can join us from home.

Let's drive in and check our gauges this weekend! (Too far?? LOL!)
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

In Common

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

This is Your Brain (even more from Angela about red/blue brain!)

It was great to hear so much positive feedback from Angela's video about red brain and blue brain on Sunday morning. (Haven't seen the service? Watch it here.) I'm thankful that she would share her knowledge with us and thankful to have great teachers like her in our school system!

The way that God has made us is truly incredible and as science discovers more and more of the mystery of how we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), we can use this information to grow in our spiritual lives.

It's also humbling to be brought face to face with our limitations in applying this information successfully as we navigate each day. We are created in the image of God but we know that we are not God - we are definitely limited, finite and in need of His power.

With this in mind, I've made the "extended cut" of the video available to you if you want to learn even more. I want to make every possible opportunity available for us to learn and grow and hear what the Holy Spirit might want to use as He transforms our lives day by day. I am praying this resource helps you.

On a personal note, I didn't ever intend to be in this video so I look a bit overly casual since I was jumping onto Zoom after a workout, but still, Angela's content is worth it! LOL!

Learning with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Peace in a Filtered World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

" that you may know him better" (a prayer for you)

Ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God's people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Ephesians 1:15-23 NIV (emphasis mine)


I've been spending a lot of time in the book of Ephesians and read a portion of this scripture as our benediction on Sunday... and it is exactly what I want to say to and pray over each one of you this week.

Fasting and praying with you and for you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Walk Toward Your Marriage

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

10/10/10 + Life Transformation Goals (let's keep growing!)

In our spiritual lives, we're always walking a fine line between faith and works. We never, ever want to think that we can earn our salvation or that if we just apply enough effort, we can do enough things to make us better. We also know that nothing happens by accident and at that we must make every effort to make Christ the centre of our lives by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to keep up the work of being transformed.

As a church, our heart is to equip you with any and every tool that we can that might be of value to you as you take your next step and your next step and your next step in Christ. It's completely our joy.

Pastor Erin put together a very practical help for you to write down some spiritual goals that you have for this year and then be able to check back in on them throughout the year, using our 5th Sundays as time markers. Love this! You can make these goals anything that makes sense for where you are right now. Simply pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you know what you need to be intentional about this year and then ask Him for help as you move toward your first check-in on May 30th. (Click here or below to get your download of this document.)

And here's something from Life Church that I came across at the beginning of the year. It's a simple way to approach your daily devotions that does a nice job balancing the Word, meditation, prayer and listening to God while giving some parameters to follows. It's 10/10/10 - 10 minutes of reading the Word, 10 minutes of journaling, 10 minutes of silence and listening to God. Simple and powerful. (Click here or the video below for an explanation.)

We're trusting these resources will be powerful tools for you and that you'll feel the freedom to adapt them and use them to attend to the presence of Jesus (thanks for this encouragement on Sunday, Pastor Cher!) in your life every day.

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

NEW SERIES from Ephesians 4, 5 & 6

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

10x5x5x3... Or Something Like That! (a practical tip for ordering a busy mind)

Today, a practical tip to help you walk toward an ordered mind.

In a world with endless voices pressing for your time and asking to be made a priority, how can you keep Christ at the centre of every part of your life and do the things that HE has for you?

Here's one of the ways that I keep moving forward. A 6x6... or, 10x5x5x3, because, hey, we're flexible! (I promise, it makes sense in the video.)

Praying this helps to support all of the good work that the Holy Spirit is doing in our hearts and minds this season.

Be blessed,
Pastor Tracy


Before you go... Do you have a story to share about how you have found freedom and victory on the battlefield of your mind? Let us know! Click here.

This Sunday

5th Sunday - Celebrate Freedom!

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Where's Your Head At? (winning the battle)

Where is your head at these days?

Ever feel like you have to fight just to keep moving through your day? Like there is more struggle going on in your thoughts than you even know how to express?

Yeah, it's not just you. In fact, scripture talks a lot about the battle that is going on in your mind right now. So, if my mind is a battlefield, how do I come out the winner?

I'm glad you asked! Our new series, Free Your Mind, is about exactly that. We're going to work together to identify the battlefield, the strongholds, the weapons and the captives in this struggle and learn how the Bible teaches us to be more than conquerors.

You and I need to understand and live these truths. It's a fight worth taking on and will be a game changer in 2021. Come with us as we dig into 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and where it leads us... and invite someone to join you. It's so easy to share our livestream!

But why wait until Sunday to get started. Philippians 4:8 says:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

So, I've collected the testimonies that came in on Sunday and I've put them into their own blog post. Ready to be encouraged and fix your thoughts on some excellent and praiseworthy things? Go ahead and click the link below.

Excited for lives transformed by renewed minds!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Battlefield

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Telling the Story: Testimonies from December 27, 2020

Our service on Sunday was so powerful with the stories that were told of God’s faithfulness. We wanted to capture the stories that were told in one place to honour Him and encourage His Church. As we begin a new year, remember, we’re choosing to fix our thoughts on what is excellent and praiseworthy! (Philippians 4:8)

You can watch the service on YouTube or Facebook if you missed it (or again!).

Adam Brodrecht

The change in our family is incredible.
— Adam

Coming out of 2019 we were lost. Eyes set on Christ, trying to stay in tune with the Spirit, but struggling hard. Our Church of 15 years had become painful, because there was both beautiful components and seriously concerning components. Parenting was becoming harder. Our world was consumed with pressure and struggle. 

These trials are trivial compared to some! But it was significant knowing that we were in the transformative years of our kids lives. 

And through the least predictable way, we ended up in the sanctuary of Freedom in Christ and found family, found home. 

In the natural, it makes no sense. We live in Elmira, church is in west-end-Kitchener. We knew nearly no one. And yet, everything witnessed in our spirits that this was good. 

We have been here 9 months now and the change in our family is incredible. It makes me think of how our bodies are created to heal when wounded. The Brodrecht’s spirits have been healing over the last 9 months. And we are better than we have been in many years. I see Jesus shining through each one of us. 

We love you Freedom and what you’ve brought to our family. It’s come through so many of you. 

I could go on, but I will leave it at that. 

“The angel’s in Heaven are rejoicing. So even through this pandemic, God works miracles.”
— Angie

Angie Morris

God has blessed my family. When my grandson, Jamal, was young, Mike & I would bring him to church with us at Freedom as much as possible - especially if he came for a sleepover with us. God has given us opportunities to minister to him and also in his life growing up as a teenager. Mike & I always pray for all of our grandchildren, that God will reach their hearts that they would find Jesus Christ as their Saviour. God has been good because Christ has been working on Jamal's heart. Jamal told us how he had many dreams of Jesus talking to him. He then started to tell people about how God is good and can help them in their lives during difficult times.  So Happy, Glad, Rejoicing, Dancing & Thankful for the Best Christmas gift of all - I’m so honoured to tell you that Jamal got baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. He found a home church family and that is where he got baptized. Thank you, Pastor Tracy, for helping to guide Jamal in his young years when he was attending Freedom with us and encouraging him to participate and help so that he can be at church as much as possible. So happy to let you know that the seed planted in his heart was fertile & has grown & flourished & bloomed. The angel's in heaven are rejoicing. So even through this pandemic, God works miracles. Praise God. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Juno Park

Losing my dad over thanksgiving this year will always be tough. But God has shown me that this is true thanksgiving. When it means something it has weight. God’s given my dad peace, my family strength and joy. God knows what we need and provides more than we will ever need. We can only be left with gratitude and thankfulness.  

God knows what we need and provides more than we will ever need.
— Juno

Eric Jackson

There are plenty of reasons for me to leave this to the professionals. Except I’m called to action. 
— Eric

I haven’t heard one person say “2020 was great! Let’s do it again!” For me? Yes, there have been some things that have caused me displeasure and concern. But ultimately, I’m filled with peace, remembering that this is temporary, and God is still in control. 

Throughout this year, I have personally known  people struggling.  Anxiety. Depression. I’ve watched strangers in public treat each other with angry outbursts and disrespect. I understand where this is coming from, and acknowledge that without Jesus, without understanding that there’s more than just this broken world, I’d be in the same state of mind. 

Romans 10:14 really weighed on me this year. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?”

How could this apply to me? I’m not a gifted orator. I’m not educated in theology. This is out of my comfort zone. There are plenty of reasons for me to leave this to the professionals. Except I’m called to action. 

Our faithful God answered my question as to how. Multiple times, with multiple people, I have been offered the opportunity to tell people in whom I believe. I have been able to share with them that despite this world being broken, there is a Father in heaven that created and loves them to the point of offering salvation to us through his son. These were natural conversations. No awkward “have you heard the good news?” statements. No judgemental “Repent!” declarations. Just real conversations that I thought would be unlikely if not impossible. I pray that I never miss one of these opportunities! 

Domm Family

God truly is so faithful.....he has been with us this whole year...every week...every day...every hour...every moment! HE didn’t bring us this far to ever leave us!

Walt Kippenhuck

I want to highlight another little miracle from 2020. People started to share again. We’ve always known people had great stories of God’s faithfulness and that He was STILL working in our church and world today. The pandemic has pushed us online and separated us, yet it has brought us together in this new way of sharing. People have found a medium by which to share...walls have come down and people have found courage to tell their stories. Praise God, even in 2020.

Walls have come down and people have found courage to tell their stories.
— Walt

Devoted: Making An Impact

As Pastor Tracy mentoned on Sunday, here are some great ideas from Timothy Keller’s book Center Church of how you can make an impact for Christ in ways that are organic, relational, Word deploying (bringing the Bible and gospel into connection with people’s lives) and active (each person assumes personal responsibility to share Christ).

  • Jerry is asked by his work colleague Bill how his weekend went. Jerry relates that he went on a men’s retreat that provided spiritual resources for forgiving people who have wronged us over the years. When Bill raises his eyebrows and says, “That’s interesting,” Jerry takes a small plunge and mentions that the thing that helped him most was the idea that even though he has not given God his due, God offers him forgiveness through Jesus.

  • Dan and Jill help their two sons, ages five and seven, with Scripture memorization and teach them a simple catechism. They field the boys’ questions and help them understand the meaning of the texts they are studying.

  • Sally gets to knows a young woman named Clara at church. Clara confides that she and her husband are having marriage problems and he isn’t willing to go to a counsellor. Sally and her husband Jeff, invite Clara and Same over for a meal. Sam hits it off with Jeff. Afterward, Clara convinces Sam to meet with Jeff and Sally to talk about their marriage issues. They meet together once a month for four months, studying Ephesians 5 and several other biblical texts on marriage.

  • John comes to church with his wife, but he isn’t sure what he believes or where he stands on faith. The pastor introduces him to an elder named Tom, who begins meeting with John on occasion to read and discuss a book about basic Christianity. After two meetings, John agrees to study the gospel of Mark with Tom every two or three weeks.

  • Jenny begins coming to a small group in the church. She was raised in the church but has so many doubts and questions that her group leader, Beth, begins meeting with her one-on-one. They study Bible passages and read books that address each of her questions, one after the other.

  • Ted is a young single lawyer. He knows several other lawyers who go to church with him, though they don’t work for his firm. He decides to have a Super Bowl party for several of his non-Christian colleagues and invites two Christian lawyers from church and a couple of other believers as well. The men and women from his workplace hit it off with the lawyers from church. About three months later, one of them shows up in church with one of Ted’s friends.

  • Jessica meets Teresa, a new believer, at church and invites her to work through a series of six Bible studies for new Christians (on issues such as prayer, Bible reading, the role of the church, understanding the gospel better, etc.)

  • Fred has been attending a small group for months. At one point he realizes that he assesses the value of the group strictly on what he gets out of it. He then decides to being preparing well (studying the passage) and praying for the group. When he comes, he looks for every opportunity to help the Bible study leader by making good contributions and for ways to speak the truth in love so others are encouraged and helped to grow.

  • Catherine prays for her friend Megan for months. Megan responds well to two short books on Christian subjects that Catherine has given her. She then invites Megan to an evangelistic event in which Christian truth is presented. On the way home, she fields Megan’s questions.

  • Joe has a longtime friend from college days named Pete, who is a musician. Pete’s performance anxiety is harming his career. Joe has been a sympathetic listener for some time, but finally he bluntly asks Pete to explore the Christian faith with him. “I think maybe it’s the only thing that will help you overcome your problem.” Pete is taken aback, but after a while, he expresses interest, mainly out of desperation. Joe warns him, “If Christianity is going to be any help, it will only be if you come to the belief that it is not just helpful but true.” Pete doesn’t want to go to any Christian gatherings, so they start studying the Bible together and listening to sermons and lectures and discussing them.

  • Kerrie and two other Christian friends are moms who have young kids. They decide to start a daytime moms’ group and invite non-Christian friends. For about a year, the group grows to include a similar number of Christians and nonbelievers. The conversations are general and freewheeling - covering spiritual, social, marriage, parenting, and personal issues. As time goes on, several of the nonbelievers begin to go to church with the believers and cross over the line of faith. After three years, the group is a Christian Bible study but still open and inclusive toward a few non-believers who come regularly.

  • Jim and Cynthia are both artists who are involved in a citywide Christian artists’ fellowship based in their local church. The fellowship typically includes a discussion of the relationship of faith to art that assumes a Christian belief, but the artists have four events a year that will be either a gallery showing or a book event in which a credible working artist talks to a general audience about how their faith relates to their art. Jim and Cynthia are diligent in bringing non-Christian artists or art appreciators to these events.

  • Greg comes to faith in Christ through a skeptics/seeker group hosted by a church. When the date for his baptism is set, he invites a number of non-Christian friends to the service and then takes them out for lunch and discusses the whole event. One friend is very moved by the experience, and Greg invites him to come back. Eventually, the friend begins coming to his small group with him.

Center Church
Copyright (C) 2012 by Redeemer City to City and Timothy J. Keller
(excerpt taken from pages 279-280)


Generosity Revisited: A Follow-Up to Sunday's Message


As a follow-up to Sunday's message, here is some practical advice to help you to become financially free and walk in the generosity the way that you want to and are called to. (2 Corinthians 9) 

Big thanks to Jackie Morris for the advice, the resources and for helping me fact-check my message. 👏

Pastor Tracy

Simple Steps to Financial Freedom: A Starting Point

  1. Pray and ask God for wisdom and direction.

  2. Get help. Financial counselling available all over.

  3. Trust the process. You didn't get into debt overnight and you won't get out of it overnight.

If you think you can tackle it on your own:

  • Do a detailed list of all your credit cards - how much your limit is, how much you owe, and the minimum monthly payment.

  • Make a payment plan based on above and set them up as automatic payments from your bank account.

  • Get rid of all your credit cards.

  • Don't add any new debt no matter how small.

  • Pay more than the minimum on the lowest balance card with any extra cash.

  • Pay off the lowest balance first then go to the next, etc.

  • Call creditors and see if they can lower your interest rates.

  • Set a budget and stick to it. 

Here are some sites to help you get started: