
Looking Back to Look Ahead (praying for our church leaders this weekend)

As I look at my calendar for the rest of the week, it's filled with 10,000-foot-view-type conversations about church life. Our monthly board meeting is on Thursday, we have our annual "Leadership Summit" with the board, staff and spouses on Saturday, and the annual business meeting is on Sunday evening. I think it's going to be a very inspiring (and maybe a little tiring?) weekend!

I want to invite you to engage with us. This weekend will have us looking back into 2022, considering where we are as a church and using that to help us mark where we feel God calling us in the year ahead. We quite literally look back in order to look ahead. We need God's wisdom to rightly understand our current position and what's next. We can't (and shouldn't and won't) move forward without knowing that we're in step with His Spirit.

But as you know, time flies by. Our calendars are full and our minds are busy. So we know it's vital to take the time to check in and gain perspective, new insights, and clarity in the life of the church.

Here's how you can be a part of that:

  1. Pray for us on Saturday. Pray that God's Spirit would speak clearly as our leadership gathers, prays together, listens for His voice and sets direction for the year ahead.

  2. Join us for the Annual Business Meeting on Sunday at 6:00. Members are especially encouraged to be there and to vote but everyone is welcome to come and hear the good reports from 2022 and together to set our hearts on 2023. (You can even watch on Zoom if you can't make it in person. Just email us for the link.)

It continues to be a high privilege to serve this church. Thank you for your partnership and commitment to unity in the Spirit!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, MARCH 26 @ 10am
Luke: The Truth of Jesus
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: Stories Worth Sharing (internet speak for "in case you missed it"!)

ICYMI (that's internet speak for "in case you missed it")... we did some really cool things in the past few weeks that we didn't want you to miss. I've highlighted in them in the March Financial Update and Vision Moment and wanted to take this devo to mention them.

We've been working on new ideas to leverage our digital presence by trying new things and investing the time and resources we need to grow our skill set. The investment is already paying off and setting us up for the future.

Find out more in the March Financial Update & Vision Moment and, yeah, ICYMI... you can watch our Stories Worth Sharing on YouTube or our socials any time!

Challenging and very exciting days are all around us. Thank you for partnering, praying, connecting with us and engaging with your neighbours. We love you, Freedom Family!

With Him and for Him,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Don't forget about Alpha! Invite someone to meet Jesus with you. It started last night but it's definitely not too late to jump in next week!

Don't forget about Alpha!
Invite someone to meet Jesus with you.

Wednesdays, April 21-June 16 on Zoom


This Sunday

Peace in a Divided World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.