Books — Life Transformation Blog — Freedom in Christ Church

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Summer Reading (a book review from me to you)

Many years ago I had a book recommended to me called The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard. I eventually bought a copy of this book and it sat on my shelf for a while. I mean, you can't blame me. I could immediately tell that this wasn't going to be like putting my feet up with the latest Grisham novel. But one day I did crack it open. I took a deep breath and I dove in. Am I ever glad that I did.

If you are looking for some great reading this summer let me recommend this one. You may or may not agree with every statement the author makes (when do we ever?) but I can almost guarantee that you will be challenged and encouraged and stirred up in your heart. And, like me, you'll probably learn a few new things while you're at it. I always do when I read great books!

And hey, while I'm at it, let me add a couple more that I have loved and found helpful.

Pastor Tracy

The Spirit of the Disciplesby Dallas Willard
Jesus Among Other Godsby Ravi Zacharias

Jesus Among Other Gods
by Ravi Zacharias

Devotional ClassicsEdited by Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith

Devotional Classics
Edited by Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith


This Sunday...


Join us on Sunday at 10am as Margaret shares this incredible story of courage.

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