
He Knows Our Name (and our missions giving goal, too!)

On Sunday, Pastor Erin and Mrs Theresa took a moment with our Freedom Kids to shine a spotlight on our Global Workers. They reminded us that we have the most important gift in Jesus and in order for others to know about Him, we have to go and share the good news about Him. We were also reminded (since it was Name Tag Sunday!) that no matter where we are in the world, God sees us and knows our name.

We also got an update about our missions giving for the year and how far we've come in reaching our goal of $31,000. To date, we've received $19,521, which is 63%. Thank you for your generosity and faith to invest in kingdom work all over the world!

One of my tasks when I came into the office on Monday was to put together the Financial Report for last month and post it in our website. It got me thinking.. do folks even know that this report exists? We do mention it occasionally, but it's not always headline news.

As you engage with the life of this local church, I encourage you to track with our finances. Our Treasurer does a great job putting reports together each month which are looked at in great detail by our Finance Committee and the Board of Deacons. I then take a few moments to comment on the report and post it to our website so you can look at it and stay up to date. (Note: by the time we close out a month, create, and approve the report, it's near the end of the next month already.)

Join us as we prayerfully steward the resources that God has given us to manage and check our Give page each month for the latest and greatest report.

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, October 6 @ 10am

The Gift vs. The Trespass
Pastor Ethan


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Right as Rain (highlighting English Circles)

I wanted to take a moment to highlight a ministry that has been happening quietly at our church. Earlier this year, Pastor Erin and her team started English Circles, which is simply a place for people to come and practice their English conversation skills. It was a bit of an experiment but they knew it had the potential to really bless those who are new to Canada and trying to integrate into the culture and community.

Each time they gather the conversation has a theme (like "spring") and they talk about some of our strange idioms (think: "it's raining cats and dogs" or "right as rain" or "spring chicken"). Very useful when you're trying to understand a new language!

What's been interesting about this group is how transient they are. They might be in Canada for a short time, or unexpectedly have to travel or move. However, this is far from discouraging. One family moved to Canada, was introduced to faith in Jesus through English Circles, grew in their faith over the past year and then needed to move back to their country of origin to care for a family member. They are now in South America, sharing the gospel with their community there.

To be honest, that kind of story wasn't on the vision board for this ministry. We couldn't have anticipated the impact it might have. But we're humbled and grateful that we could be a part of their story of becoming followers of Jesus.

Our next round of English Circles starts on October 3rd and here's how you can help:

  1. Pray that God would bring people to EC. (We have hand-delivered 450 invitations to the neighbourhood beside us.)

  2. Pray for the team as they build relationships with all who attend.

  3. Tell a friend or neighbour about EC and invite them to join.

And, of course, if this is a ministry you're interested in getting involved with, you're welcome to get in contact with Pastor Erin.

I'm cheering and praying for English Circles this fall. Join me!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, September 29 @ 10am

Against All Hope
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.