
Billy Graham on Habakkuk (take another listen)

Last week someone sent me a clip of Billy Graham preaching. He was talking about Habakkuk and how God said that even if Habakkuk knew what God was doing, he wouldn't believe it. Of course, we know that God goes on to tell Habakkuk some of His plan and Habakkuk's response was, well, complaint... but then worship.

In case you missed it or in case you just wanted to see it again, I've attached it here. When we get up on our rampart, this is the kind of perspective we (like Habakkuk) get. NOTE: If you don't understand the "rampart" reference, go back to and watch our July 19 service.

I love this reminder. No matter what you see in the world around you, no matter what you are facing down in your life, God has not left His throne. He is at work even if we can't see it. He loves us even when we wonder why He is allowing it. He is sovereign even when don't understand the plan.

Take another listen and be blessed.

On the rampart with you,
Pastor Tracy

Habakkuk said, “Lord please tell me what you’re doing.” And God said, “No, I’m not going to tell you, Habakkuk. Because if I told you what I was doing you wouldn’t believe it.”

If God today told us what He’s doing in the world, we wouldn’t believe it.

Don’t you think God’s given up, and God’s abdicated, and God’s left the throne. He hasn’t.

He’s still on the throne. And those of us that know Him put our trust in Him and Him alone.

I don’t put my trust in Washington. I don’t put my trust in the United Nations. I don’t put my trust in myself. I don’t put trust in my money.

I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

When all the rest of it fails and crumbles and shatters, He’ll be there.
— Billy Graham


Rescued By God
Margaret Pfeiffer


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Habakkuk (huh-BAK-uhk) Complains to God (is that allowed?)

Have you ever wondered why God didn't do something that obviously needed to be done?

Have you ever questioned whether or not He was actually listening?

Have you ever thought about complaining to Him but didn't know if you could or should?

You are not alone; not by a long shot. In fact, here's another question: Have you ever read the book of Habakkuk? It's not as famous as Psalm 23, 1 Corinthians 13 or John 3:16 to be sure. It's tucked into the Minor Prophets between Nahum and Zephaniah (does that help?) and has a lot of insight into communicating with God.

Like us, Habakkuk was looking at the world around him and had questions. His theology said one thing (God sees, hears and answers) but his experience wasn't lining up with it. Ever felt that way? Yeah, me too.

Over the next three weeks we're going to work through this dialogue between Habakkuk and God and find some help for these questions as we face them in our own lives. I encourage you to read it for yourself and get a big picture overview before we dive in together. Here's how we'll break it down:

  • June 12 - Complaining to God - Habakkuk 1:1-11

  • June 19 - Questioning God - Habakkuk 1:12-2:20

  • June 26 - Waiting for God - Habakkuk 3:1-19

I can't wait to dig into this with you!

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy


Complaining to God
Pastor Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.