
AKA James/Jacob/Iakobos (a beautifully crafted punch in the gut)

As we work through this series from the book of James I want to continue to invite you to go deeper. It's invaluable to know as much as you can about the text you're reading in scripture: the context, the original readers, the intended audience, the author and more. For this book and this series as well as for anything else that we study in the future, there is always so much more than we can cover on a Sunday morning.

In light of that, here are some resources for the book of James that you can explore outside of Sunday mornings that will help drive these passages more deeply into your heart and mind so that they can be lived out every day.

VIDEO: The Bible Project (embedded below)

YOUVERSION READING PLANS: Click here for some options

DEVOTIONAL BOOK: Life Change Series

Your study bible will also have some great insights as you read through the book of James. I hope you will join me and dig a little deeper with me through this series.

See you on Sunday!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Show It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

So, What's Next? (a reminder to ask the question)

Today's email is intended to act as a bit of a Public Service Announcement. We started last year in a series from 2 Peter and asked a simple but profound question: What's next?

The idea isn't to hurry unthinkingly from one thing to the next, it's to keep in front of us the need to be following Christ... and 'following' is a verb. We aren't chasing what's new for the sake of keeping up with fads or keeping ourselves distracted. We're intentionally choosing to keep growing, to keep fresh water flowing into our lives and to continue to challenge ourselves as disciples. So great!

My PSA is as follows: What's next for you?

As we establish routines for 2020, let's keep bravely asking the question and having our lives transformed daily by the Holy Spirit at work in and through us.

Need some help figuring out what's next? We've got you covered.

Online: www.freedomkw.com/next
In Person: NEXT Centre in the Lobby (after every service)

Together in Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Forbid It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Erin continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Common Sense Faith (for reference... it's Thursday :))

If you're like me you'll find yourself in a bit of a fog today. It's kind of a wonderful but disorienting thing that happens between Christmas Eve and the beginning of the new year... you're not quiet sure what day it is, you've been unplugged from your routines for long enough that you're starting to really chill out and you've spent more time with the people you love than usual. For reference, it's Thursday. :)

So let's take advantage of this beautiful season when we clear the cobwebs, refocus on new things and feel energized in new ways and dive into our new teaching series. For the next seven Sundays we're going to be stepping through the book of James, an incredibly practical guide to our faith and how to live it out in the real world, what it looks like and what it doesn't. I've called the series "Common Sense Faith" because of the way that James teaches, a sort of no-nonsense approach to what it looks like to follow Jesus every day in real life.

Are you ready for what's next? Let's step into 2020 ready to be transformed by the Word!

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Consider It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy starts our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.