
Losing and Restoring Joy (even in a long winter)

I loved this post from Pastor Erin on our Connecting Point Facebook Group this week. It's been a difficult winter season but this is a great reminder that we know the very Source of joy.

- Pastor Tracy

Psalm 51-12.jpg

Did you know that you can lose your joy? I'm sure some of you just answered yes, it's called living through February. But in all seriousness there are times in our lives when we feel like we are going through the motions.


David experienced a time like this. In Psalm 51:12 he writes, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." We know from 1 Samuel 11 that when David wrote this Psalm he was dealing with sin that had driven a wedge between him and the Lord.


Sometimes our lack of joy can be from unconfessed sin in our lives. An attitude, action, words, thoughts and so much more when left unchecked can rob us of the joy of the Lord.


If you feel like you've been going through the motions lately take time today and ask the Lord to examine your heart and expose anything that isn't pleasing to Him. If He reveals things, confess them and know that you are forgiven. Ask Him to help you live in the joy of His salvation once again.

Pastor Erin

PS - Check out this month's Financial Update & Vision Moment!

This Sunday


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