time management

Responsiveness is a Super Power (october mini-series | part four)

With today's topic I want to prove that I practice what I preach. I recorded this video and wrote this text in the time I blocked on my calendar for this task (see photo!)... and I made this plan at the end of last week. We'll talk more next week about how to make sure that tasks don't become more important than people and our relationships, but this is a great place to start.

Planning ahead is all about making sure that the things that are truly important are given the time they need. A lot of things work against this and so we always need to be intentional about pursing what is best at the best times that we can. Sure, a lot of our time is spoken for and isn't ours to control, but for all the time that is ours to manage and use how we want, this concept can be very, very beneficial.

So, Plan Ahead. Check out the video below.

Also, take a look at our Financial Update & Vision Moment for September!

Praying you find this helpful!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Reconciling the Past
You Don’t Know How Old I Am


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Plan Ahead (october mini-series | part three)

With today's topic I want to prove that I practice what I preach. I recorded this video and wrote this text in the time I blocked on my calendar for this task (see photo!)... and I made this plan at the end of last week. We'll talk more next week about how to make sure that tasks don't become more important than people and our relationships, but this is a great place to start.

Planning ahead is all about making sure that the things that are truly important are given the time they need. A lot of things work against this and so we always need to be intentional about pursing what is best at the best times that we can. Sure, a lot of our time is spoken for and isn't ours to control, but for all the time that is ours to manage and use how we want, this concept can be very, very beneficial.

So, Plan Ahead. Check out the video below.

Praying you find this helpful!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Reconciling the Past
You Don’t Know Who I’ve Disappointed


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Respect Your Time (october mini-series | part two)

This next concept in our October devotional series is so simple that it hurts a little. When I realized that if a task takes an hour to complete that I need an hour to complete it, it hit me like a ton of bricks and also set me free.

It's a bit ridiculous how I used to treat my time - like it was infinite and that I could get ten things done every hour of the day. Not only is that impossible time-wise, it's impossible energy-wise.

Knowing that your time is limited and scheduling tasks according to the real time that they take and their importance in your life is beautiful and freeing.

In the video I tell a story from the life of Daniel about setting aside the "tyranny of the urgent" and figuring out the time you truly need. You can read it in Daniel 2 and pay attention to verse 16 specifically. Thankfully the consequences of our tasks aren't likely to be as serious as Daniel was facing, but the idea that we can ask for time, take time, make the important things a priority and accomplish in our finite time the things that truly need to be done - not trying to be superheroes nor avoiding what needs to be done - is helpful, practical and teaches us to stay Christ-focused every day.

So, Respect Your Time. Check out the video below.

Praying you find this helpful!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Reconciling the Past
You Don’t Know Who I Am


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Get it out of your head! (october mini-series | part one)

I am going to do a little series in October on one of my personal passions: time management. And by that, I really mean getting your mind clear and being able to focus on what's important and make progress toward things that truly matter.

I study this subject a lot because when I let my days and weeks just kind of come at me, I far too often find myself with a million things swirling in my head and living at a pace beyond my capacity. That's definitely not how I was created or what I'm called to in Christ.

We'll start with something basic that helps to set up the rest: Get it out of your head. Check out the video below.

Praying you find this helpful!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

SEASON OF HOPE: Reconciling the Past
You Don’t Know Where I’m From


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+YouTube Live)
9:00 - Kids Church Online (Freedom Kids FB Group)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.