
Get Secure (learn about being in Christ)

On Sunday, we started a new series called (In)Secure. We're going through the book of Ephesians to learn what it means to be in Christ and to find our security in Him. This means a lot of different things and we're going to talk about a bunch of them over the next few weeks.

Pastor Del Wells has written a course about this that goes much deeper than we have time for on a Sunday morning. It's called Get Secure and I know you'll find it beneficial as a guide through Ephesians.

Don't be surprised if you hear a lot of quotes from Get Secure or I share some concepts straight from the pages of the 13 lessons. It's so fun to be able to borrow from a course that was written in our church, for our church and for the Church! And yes, Pastor Del is delighted to let me plagiarize as needed. As an added bonus, he will be preaching a message in this series in a few weeks... it seemed only fitting.

There are lots of great courses on our Next Discipleship page. Allow me to recommend that you click this link and download Get Secure today and get started on your deep dive into Ephesians!

Looking forward to learning more with you,
Pastor Tracy



I Have Hope
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Happy New Year! (it's a new season)

Of course, it's not really a new year, but as Scott pointed out on Sunday morning, it definitely feels like it! We live our lives in seasons and whether or not you or your kids are going to school this week, you can sense a new beginning around Labour Day weekend.

Many time management experts say that making quarterly goals is much more effective than making a New Year's resolution. Thinking of life in three-month segments is easier for us. I can't imagine what I'll be doing on September 1, 2024, but I can tell you some things I want to accomplish before Christmas this year. And so, we can use September's "new year" feeling to our advantage. We can reset and refocus after a time of fun, rest and great weather.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Have you thought about what this next season might be for you?

There are no guarantees and anything can happen in the next three months, but we are still called to be intentional with our days. (See Psalm 90:12, Proverbs 16:3, Proverbs 21:5, and Colossians 3:23)

So let me encourage you to look ahead. Find a quiet place with a cup of coffee and ask the Lord what needs to be prioritized in your life for the season ahead. What needs to be added or taken away? What is He calling you to at home, work and relationships? What is He pointing out in your life (big or small) that requires some changes?

Don't let the busyness of the fall sweep away this amazing opportunity to listen to the Lord for this next season of your life. I'm carving out time for this in the next week - join me! (And, just a thought, but Fast & Pray Wednesdays are a great time for this as well!)

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy



I Am Chosen
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Final Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

We're looking forward to hearing from Scott Corkill on Sunday morning! I asked him to do the final instalment of our summer devotional series and he graciously agreed. Join us on Sunday morning to hear his message about grace and enjoy his recommendation below. - Pastor Tracy


I rushed past it without noticing it more than once.

It was only recently that I actually slowed down enough to read it… but, more than that, to think about the language that is used and the important message that is communicated through it.

Do you know the stated mission of Freedom in Christ?

It’s ok if you don’t… like I said… I rushed by it numerous times before noticing and taking some time to think about it.

The stated mission of Freedom in Christ is…

“To equip people to live a Christ-centered life through daily transformation."

I really appreciate the thoughtfulness and depth of this mission (not to mention its honesty!). From my experience, the importance of “daily transformation” cannot be overstated! I know we all love those “miracle moments” when God just does a deep and significant miracle work in a moment of time… but the reality is, we are being formed more deeply through our daily habits and routines than we often imagine.

Over the past couple of years of my life, Lectio 365 has been a welcome addition to my daily routine in helping encourage this work of “daily transformation”. The title of the app, “Lectio 365,” is taken from an ancient Christian tradition called lectio divina (Latin for “divine reading”).

Every day the app provides a reading from the Psalms to rejoice in, as well as a reading from the Bible through which the reader is invited to take time to pause, reflect on the Scripture, ask what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about this passage, and yield in obedience to what God is speaking to you through His Word.

The user can scroll through the readings at their own pace, or they can hit the “play” button to hear the readings and prayers read out loud for them (with pauses to add your own thoughts and prayers).

The app has also recently added a “night” option as well. I find it a very helpful tool to use at the end of my day… to take time to review my day and notice where God was at work in my life, and when God was speaking to me. It also helps us to review those moments of our day where we need to ask forgiveness and rejoice in God’s great mercy and forgiveness!

It’s a free app… you’ve got nothing to lose (and daily transformation to gain!)

Hope to see you this Sunday!



Grace Goes Further Than Forgiveness
Scott Corkill


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Eighth Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

This resource is one that I am so proud to have at Freedom Church. Our former pastor, Del Wells, has been writing discipleship courses for over two decades and has made them available to anyone and everyone free of charge. This started with the four core courses in the Life Transformation series: First Steps, Life in the Spirit, Learning to Serve and Learning to Lead. Each one is foundational to learning to be a fully-devoted follower of Jesus.

Pastor Del continues to write discipleship material and share new courses with the Christian community. We have the privilege of hosting them on our website and having first access to them when they are released. They currently include:

  • The Disciple of Jesus

  • Produce: Developing the Fruit of the Spirit

  • Everything You Need: A Study of 2 Peter 1:3-11

  • Commands of Christ

  • Get Secure: A Study of Ephesians

  • Pentecostal Essentials

  • Explaining the Trinity

  • Get Joyful: A Study of Philippians

  • Get Ethical: The Ten Commandments

I also have Get Faithful: A Study of 1 Thessalonians and The Lord's Prayer in queue to be added to the website shortly... hopefully by the time this email is published!

You can find everything on our website: All of the courses can be downloaded as PDFs, some are available online in module-style lessons, and one has even been turned into a podcast (that was fun!). We also have copies of each course at our Welcome Centre if anyone needs a hard copy.

What a gift to our church. What a gift to the Church at large. We get downloads from literally all over the world - the US, South Africa and Singapore so far this year.

These courses are not complicated. They are easy to read and understand and they will challenge you to get to know the Word and teach you to walk faithfully with Jesus.

One note: we are currently updating our website and will soon be giving our NEXT page a facelift and reorganizing it. We hope this will make it easier for us to create and share this incredible library of resources. However, if you're looking for something and can't find it, just reach out to me and I will get it to you. You know how renos can be. :)

With so much gratitude to Pastor Del and in hope that your life is transformed in Christ by the Holy Spirit as you use these resources,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 @ 10am

Josiah Protects A Generation
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Seventh Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

I love reading. Some of my favourite memories are riding my bike to the library in the town where I grew up. The library there was converted from an old train station. Walking in the doors to the smell of the books and the old wood brought so much joy to my heart. Scouring through the Nancy Drew and Babysitters Club books to find one I hadn’t read or grabbing an old favourite was simply the best. 

I always have a book on the go and many on a waitlist. Controversial, I know, but I mainly read on an e-reader, getting my books through Libby, the free library app. My love of reading centres around fiction and biographies. I feel like I have lived a thousand lives and travelled to so many worlds through books. I will never live in ancient China but I experience it through gifted authors. The love God has given me for other cultures and countries was cultivated through books. Growing up in small-town Ontario, I had no way of knowing what the world outside my door looked like except through books that opened my perspective.

I could talk about books all day but the point I’m getting to is that I love fiction and struggle to read non-fiction, the ‘good for me’ books by spiritual mentors, leaders, teachers, pastors etc. I set goals for myself and fall behind almost immediately. One year I told myself I had to read a non-fiction book in between my novels. I read one.

It's good for my spiritual growth to pair my regular scripture reading with books by other Christ followers. Books like "Good Boundaries and Goodbyes" by Lisa Terkhurst, "Power to Change" by Craig Groeschel, "Gay Girl, Good God" by Jackie Hill Perry, "The Problem of God" by Mark Clark, and the list could continue on and on.

So here is how I got myself into the habit of consuming non-fiction without infringing on my reading time, realizing that non-fiction is my hobby, my relaxation, and the thing that helps me unwind at night.

I started finding these books in audiobook format and replacing my podcasts for a week at a time. I discovered that Libby, the free app I mentioned, has a lot of audiobooks and I joined a paid subscription, Scribd, that also has a lot of audiobooks and no wait times. I walk a lot, so listening while I walk is helpful. With Scribd, I can also get a copy of the ebook that I can highlight and make notes in. So, if something jumps out to me while I’m walking I go back and find it in the ebook and make a note. It's a bit of extra work but worth it. Finding affordable Christian content can be tricky and Scribd has a lot of the books I’m looking for so it’s worth checking out. (Libby has some but there is usually a waitlist.)

I knew I needed to find a way to do the thing I knew was good for me but felt like I couldn’t get there. I believe the Lord led me to think outside of the box and I found something that works for me. Obviously, reading Christian content does not replace daily scripture reading; it should complement your daily reading, not replace it.

This worked for me and I’m glad Kaitlin and Joel told me about Scribd... So, I’m telling you! I’d love to hear if you have another app or way of reading great content that works well for you.

Pastor Erin


SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 @ 10am

Ahab Becomes the Worst King Ever
Erin Jamieson


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Sixth Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

After graduating from college, I was looking into how to further my biblical and theological education when I came across TheosU. The best way I know how to describe it is that it’s the Netflix of theology! Essentially, what you get from it is a whole host of biblical and theological courses. You’ll find everything from courses on introductions to each book of the Bible to more in-depth studies on the Pentateuch, Wisdom Literature, the Pauline Epistles and more. You’ll also find courses on theological topics like soteriology (the study of salvation), ecclesiology (the study of the church), spiritual gifts and even speaking in tongues. That’s just a small sample of what they have to offer.

It's been a valuable resource in advancing my biblical and theological knowledge. With that being said, I have to say that I don’t necessarily agree with all theological stances or opinions they may have, but it is a great place to start and hear varying perspectives on different topics.

There is a cost involved if you want to sign up for it. For the monthly plan, it is $15.99/month USD (so a bit more in CAD $) or $159.99/year USD ($13.33 USD/month). You can find them at or if you look them up in the app store at TheosU.

Praying this helps in the advancement of your biblical studies.


SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 @ 10am

Rehoboam Rejects Good Advice


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Fifth Instalment (summer series | staff picks)


I love hearing about all the staff summer picks. I personally use or have recently added many of the apps that have already been mentioned. I love anything that will help me learn and keep me organized.  

My pick is the YouVersion Bible App. It's a great app that offers so much. 

I have always struggled to find a good method to help me with my devotional time. I have tried various books, study guides, and the classic let-my-bible-open-to-a-page-and-read -hat method. I have also tried various online programs or other apps as well.

When I was first introduced to YouVersion, it was literally just an app to read the bible. But since it was first released it has become much more. 

I love the variety of bible studies and devotionals that are available for all ages and stages of life. I am also not going to lie, I love that each study has a checklist so as you read you get to check something off.  

But I think my absolute favourite feature of YouVersion is the availability of the audio Bible. I love listening to the Word. It is how I start and end my day. Personally, my favourite audio version is the NIVUK, I could listen to the British accent for hours.  

There are so many other great features, like all the various translations of the Bible, the ability to complete plans with friends, verse of the day story, guided prayer and so much more. If you have not checked out YouVersion, I highly recommend it. It is the most used app I have on my phone and I can use it anywhere in the world.  

If you do not have YouVersion I suggest you download it and join Freedom for our next bible study together. In fact, you can also make Freedom your church on the app and see what plans we're featuring!




Adonijah Does it His Own Way
Margaret Pfeiffer


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Fourth Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

Pastor Tracy’s Pick #3: Logos bible software

There is a tool that I use more than anything else for studying the Bible. It’s no contest. I am in Logos Bible Software constantly. I mean, yes, of course, I am using a Bible study tool all the time since I am writing sermons and not everyone does this as a vocation. Fair enough. But even still, Logos has so many features that have helped me understand the scriptures much more deeply. When I get to a passage in my personal devotional reading that I don’t understand, I open Logos and see what I can learn.

Logos is an investment. There is an entry-level version of the software that cost $50 USD and packages that include more and more resources go up from there. Essentially, Logos is a library of resources for studying the bible that have been indexed and cross-referenced so they are fully searchable. There are commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, translations, and a lot more.

Another cool thing about Logos is that it is shareable with your spouse. They believe that since “two become one”, married couples can share an account at no extra charge.

This powerful study tool is more than I can describe in a few paragraphs so I’d encourage you to check it out for yourself. Or, by all means, ask me and I’ll geek out giving you a tour of the software!

Praying a blessing on your study of the Word,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JULY 30 @ 10am

The Foundation of Family
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Third Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

Pastor Tracy’s Pick #2: echo prayer app

My second pick for the summer is an app that I have used to help me pray. I find that there are so many things to pray for, so many needs, and so much that I need to hear from God about that I can pause for a time of prayer and go blank. Or, I just don’t know where to start. Add that to the fact that I pretty much forget everything that I don’t write down and it’s a recipe for a pretty ineffective prayer life.

Over the years I’ve written lists, used sticky notes (think: War Room prayer closet!), and journaled as a way to keep my memory intact and learn to pray more effectively. About a year ago I realized that there was probably an app that might also be helpful. It turns out, there are many.

I know some of you figured this out a long time ago! But I would encourage anyone who could use some extra help in remembering prayer requests or staying focused on what you are praying for, an app like Echo might help. Check it out for yourself… and remember not to get distracted by Instagram on your way to opening your prayer app!

Hope this helps you pray without ceasing!
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JULY 23 @ 10am
The End of Trouble
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: Second Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

Pastor Erin’s Pick: Scripture Memory

I am tempted to start this devotional off with excuses. Here is why I’m not great at . . . But I know that they would just be excuses designed to cover up the real issue: a lack of effort and discipline on my part.

Instead of excuses, I’ll start with honesty. I’m not great a scripture memory because I haven’t always put in the effort and focus it needs.  

Our email devotionals over the summer are about some of our favourite things that have helped us grow spiritually. I am working on memorizing scripture. Psalm 119:11 is my reminder and motivator in this journey: "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

I want to know the Word of God, study it, apply it and have it hidden deep in my heart so that it is the divining rod of my life. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

I’ve recently discovered there are apps to help with Bible memorization. I like Verse Locker and my favourite feature is ‘Words’ which gives you a choice of five words and you select what comes next in the verse you are working to memorize. It is super helpful!

There are quite a few Bible memorization apps. Go ahead and do a search in your app store. There is likely one that can give you the boost you need to keep going!

An app is not going to do the work for you, of course. It’s a tool that can help you move in the right direction. There is no 100% right way to memorize scripture and you can’t fail if you are putting in the effort.

Here are some techniques that can help us be more effective:

  • Make it a song.

  • Write it on flashcards.

  • Post it places you’ll see it often.

  • Listen to it on repeat on the Bible App

  • Try a Bible Memorization App.

  • Research and understand the context.

  • Memorize chunks together in context so it flows like a story.

  • Tell someone for accountability or do it with a friend.

  • Set realistic goals. One scripture a month is doable you’ll have 12 new verses at the end of the year!

No matter how you work to increase scripture memorization, be gracious with yourself. Sometimes it will come easily, other times it’ll feel like a grind. Keep at it and remember what Psalms 119:11 says - as we hid God’s word in our hearts it helps us avoid sinful patterns and behaviours. That is well worth the effort.

Pastor Erin


SUNDAY, JULY 16 @ 10am
The Power of Friendship
Erin Jamieson


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Few of Our Favourite Things: First Instalment (summer series | staff picks)

This summer our weekly devotionals will have a theme: A Few of Our Favourite Things. Each week, one of our staff members (the one who is speaking the following Sunday) will be sharing a resource with you that has been especially helpful in their spiritual growth.

I am kicking it off this week with my new favourite app, Pause.

This app guides you through scripture and prayer, leaving space for you to quiet your heart. Even when I'm not on the app, I find myself in the habit of praying, "Jesus, I give everyone and everything to you," frequently, especially when things feel overwhelming.

It's an app that was developed as a companion to John Eldredge's books Get Your Life Back and Resilient but it's free and you don't need to read the books to use the app.

This is my first pick. Give it a try and let me know how you like it!
Pastor Tracy


Don't forget that we're at Braeside Camp on Sunday morning for their 10:30 service followed by a BBQ lunch at the Hancock's cottage. CLICK FOR DETAILS


SUNDAY, JULY 9 @ 10:30am
Service at Braeside Camp

Time for Camp! (join us at Braeside on July 9)

Last July, while we were in the thick of our Pavilion construction, we discovered on a Saturday morning that we'd lost water service to the church. Ugh! By noon, we had a plan. Instead of going out to Braeside Camp for their Sunday evening service followed by a fellowship time at the Hancock's cottage as we had planned for that Sunday, we would flip the script. We did our best to get the word out and asked everyone to go to the morning service at camp with a BBQ lunch at the Hancock's right after. With less than 24 hours of notice, so many people drove the extra 35 minutes to camp and we had such a great time.

This July, we are making another mess but this time we are able to plan ahead! We know that our sanctuary will be unusable on July 9th because of our renovation project (see information below). We've timed it to land during Braeside Family Camp so that we can once again take advantage of the services they are offering. Mark your calendars! A week from Sunday we will not be at Freedom but will gather at Braeside Camp. There is something for every member of the family (Childcare, Kids Church, Youth Service, Adult Service) and we will gather at the Hancock's cottage for a BBQ lunch. After lunch, you can even go for a swim in the pool!

We know that we could simply run the service in the Pavilion on the 9th. And, in fact, we may have a Pavilion service on July 16th if our renovation schedule runs behind. But we want to expose as many people as we can to camp ministry. Braeside's vision is to offer rest, recreation and spiritual renewal for families, leaders and churches in a Pentecostal Christian environment. It's not far from the city but definitely feels like a retreat, a place to reset and most importantly, a unique space to meet with God.

I grew up going to Braeside Kids Camp and Youth Camp (back in the olden days) and now my kids love spending time at camp whenever we are able to rent a cottage or drive in for a service. During Family Camp (July 1-23), I will make my way to as many services as I can and as many cottage bonfires as I'm invited to. I hope you'll be able to join us on July 9th and experience a taste of camp for yourself.

The attached PDF has all the details about time, address, location of kids/youth services, and lunch. Let us know if you have any other questions.

This is going to be a great way to spend our renovation Sunday!

Looking forward to it,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JULY 2 @ 10am
The Beginning of Wisdom
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Raised to Life (another reason for water baptism)

If you go to our website and read about being baptized in water, you'll find a lot of great information there. (See for yourself... I was re-reading it today and found myself with a "yes and amen" to all the reasons that baptism is important:

  • It is obedience to Christ's Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20;

  • It follows the example of Jesus;

  • It follows the example of the Early Church;

  • It confirms identification with Christ;

  • It is a testimony of the change in your life.

But our study of the book of Colossians in April and May brought water baptism freshly to my mind and heart. The way that Paul describes the spiritual transaction that baptism models is incredible.

11 In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, 12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.
13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.
— Colossians 2:11-14

When you are baptized, you are being obedient to Jesus, following His example and making a public declaration of your faith in Him... but you are also making a powerful statement to yourself. Your identity has changed... or, more accurately, has been realigned with who you were created to be as a child of God. Your whole self (identity) that was focused on you is dead and buried and your life is made new because of your faith in Christ's death and resurrection. You were dead and God made you alive.

Baptism doesn't save you or make you a "real" Christian. No action can do that, only receiving Christ can. But it is still given to us as a powerful step to take as believers to mark the fact that we have truly been raised to life.

We are planning two opportunities for water baptism this year: July 30 and December 31. If you have a relationship with Jesus and have never been baptized in water, I challenge you to take this step. You can learn more on our website ( or talk to any of our pastoral staff (our contact information is on our website). If you are ready to be baptized but these dates don't work for you, just let us know and we'll happily fill up the tank and celebrate this moment with you on another day!

Grateful to be alive in Christ,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JUNE 25 @ 10am
Philippians 4:13
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The Power of the Comma (guest writer: Dave Hancock)

If you were to talk to most of my school teachers, professors, tutors and finally, my wife Monica, you would find out that English as a language and the written word are NOT some of my best attributes. Go figure!

Even still, as I prepare for my next preaching topic, I am drawn to the mighty COMMA, well at least the presence of powerful punctuation when we read scripture. Honestly, there is so much power in a comma.  Track with me here…

Punctuation fills our writing with silent intonation. We pause, stop, emphasize, or question using a comma, a period, an exclamation point or a question mark. Correct punctuation adds clarity and precision to writing; it allows the writer to stop, pause, or give emphasis to certain parts of the sentence.
— Northern Illinois University

In our current series, we are looking at scriptures “In Context.” I have been challenged by a passage of scripture for a very long time now: 1 Corinthians 10:13.  If you want to know more about this, you will need to be at church this Sunday, Father’s Day (or go back and listen to it on our YouTube channel). It is safe to say that not only is there context needed here but, because of a COMMA, I think we can place more emphasis on the correct interpretation of this scripture.

Here are a few fun phrases that are so easy to misinterpret if we lack the context and the punctuation:
#1: “Let’s eat Grandma”, as opposed to, “Let’s eat, Grandma.”
#2: “I find inspiration in cooking my family and my dog”, as opposed to, “I find inspiration in cooking, my family, and my dog.”

And finally,

#3: “A woman without her man is nothing,” is very different than, “A woman: without her, man is nothing.”  (SOURCE: Curtis Newbold / The Visual Communication Guy)

Please, no hate mail for the last one!

The point is this: we need to read scripture carefully and with clarity - that includes punctuation. Here are a couple of examples from scripture…

In John 19:30, Jesus said, “It is finished.”  The period makes it very clear that at this moment, and not after, and with no other sacrifice needed, one way to the Father and forgiveness was created. It was now complete, period.  No more work was needed to make it happen; we just need to believe.

In Romans 12: 3 -8, every time a gift is mentioned, it does not end with a finishing period but, instead, there is a call by the semicolon to use it. Your uniqueness and gifting in the body are for those around you and not to be left unused. You will be such a blessing to others when you live the actions of the semicolon.

And finally, I want to leave you with a punctuation gemstone, and one of my favourites:

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you;  never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

As you read your Bible today, and every day; make sure to look for the power of the punctuation. It will make a difference in how you understand and live out the scriptures, helping to create the richness of truly understanding the love God has for you in your daily life! 

(the sound you just heard was the drop of the pen!!!!) (PERIOD)

Looking forward to sharing with you on Sunday,
Dave Hancock


SUNDAY, JUNE 18 @ 10am
1 Corinthians 10:13
Dave Hancock


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Be Kind to Future You (thinking about tomorrow... sowing and reaping)

I didn't want to tidy up the kitchen before I went to bed on Saturday night. Who does? But what I really didn't want was to try and make my coffee around a mess in the morning. So, I tidied the kitchen and yes, Sunday-morning Tracy was grateful to Saturday-night Tracy.

This is a classic time management principle that is often referred to as being kind to "future you". What would your future self be grateful for if you did it today? Do that thing. You will not regret it.

I was telling my daughter about this principle and as I said it out lout, I realized that it also speaks directly to our spiritual lives. What will future-Tracy be glad that today-Tracy did? What are the activities and habits that will build the faith, trust in Jesus and hope that I will almost certainly need to draw on in the years to come? What do I need to say no to, give up, or let go of that isn't going to serve future-Tracy's spiritual health and maturity?

How can I be kind to future-Tracy? How can I set her up for success?

Sometimes, like the chores we do around the house, our daily spiritual disciplines can seem small or insignificant. They might be easy to skip or skim over, to put off until tomorrow or even another season in life. But consider your future self. What a kindness to gift yourself with a deeper knowledge of the Word, a fluent prayer life, and a growing ability to hear and respond to the voice of the Spirit.

I mean, isn't this exactly the principle of sowing and reaping that we read about in scripture? (See Galatians 6:7-9)

Consider this for yourself today... how can you be kind to future-you?
Do (or start!) that thing today.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JUNE 11 @ 10am
James 5:16
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Do You Have Scripture in Your Home? (we want to see it!)

As you know, I am absolutely not against making the Word of God prominent in your home. In Deuteronomy 6:9, the Israelites are told to take the commandments of God and impress them on their children, talk about them everywhere, all the time, tie them as symbols on their hands, bind them to their foreheads and write them on the doorframes of their houses and gates. I would way rather you have a sign in your house that says, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” than “Live Your Best Life”. 

So, let’s be clear that we’re not poo-pooing that. 

In fact, let’s see a few of these signs that you have in your homes, Freedom. To launch our new series on Sunday, In Context, I need some photos of the scriptures you have posted around your home! It can be a letter board, a framed piece of art, a sticky note on your mirror... whatever! Just email me ( and attach your photo. (I'll even enter your name into a draw for a prize if you help me out with this!) I'll be using these photos on Sunday morning.

I want to create a “yes/and” out of this idea. Yes, let’s write the Word on the doorframes of our homes and let’s learn a little more about where these verses came from.

Why? Because I believe that the context will actually make these richer and deeper. If we zoom out from these verses, I would argue that we are going to find even more light and life than we realized was there.

I can't wait to dig into these scriptures and to see your photos!

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, JUNE 4 @ 10am
Jeremiah 29:11
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Summer Glow-Up (sanctuary & fellowship hall update)

I recently learned the term "glow-up" from my daughters. According to Google, glow-up is: "a slang term used to describe a significant transformation, typically in physical appearance, that is perceived as an improvement. It's the process of turning yourself into a better version of yourself and becoming more confident, attractive, and successful."

I don't know about being more confident, attractive, and successful, but the time has come for our Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall to have a bit of a transformation in physical appearance that is perceived as an improvement!

We've been planning these improvements for more than a year and are excited to be able to see them happen in the next couple of months. What will this "glow-up" include? Here's a short break-down:


  • projector and media computer

  • 24 pot light fixtures

  • receptacles, switches & emergency lights

  • repair & paint ceilings and walls

  • sound/media booth rebuild

  • professional carpet cleaning


  • LED lights (18), switches, electrical upgrade

  • paint walls, ceilings & duct work

  • chairs & tables

In fact, here is an informational PDF that I will be presenting on Sunday morning. You get a sneak peek! The anticipated costs will be around $50,000 and we hope to do the work in the month of July.

Please prayerfully consider how you can invest in this project. We are committed to keeping our buildings in good condition and stewarding all of our resources to the best of our ability. Details for giving can be found on the PDF and our website.

Thank you for partnering with us, Freedom Family! Looking forward to our "glow-up". :)
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, MAY 28 @ 10am
Jesus in the Church & the World
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Allowing Your Soul to Grow Up

As I was working on a message this week, I read something that didn't directly relate to my content but was definitely worth highlighting and tucking away. I wanted to share it with you because I know that many of us have difficulty quieting our hearts and minds in order to hear from God. This world is very noisy, we know that very well.

The part that caught me reads like this: "When you're waiting, you're not doing nothing. You're doing the most important something there is. You're allowing your soul to grow up."

You're allowing your soul to grow up.

I also recently finished reading Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross, a classic book that is also teaching about the process of maturing in our faith, leaving spiritual infancy behind and "growing up" in God. Fascinating.

I found the following passage in the NIV Application Commentary on James, but the author is quoting Sue Monk Kidd's When the Heart Waits. I trust it will challenge and encourage you today, whatever you're waiting for, in whatever way you are restless.

Pastor Tracy


One day after morning prayers, I walked to the edge of the pond and sat on the grass. I listened to the wind sigh over the water and tried to be still, to simply be there and wait in the moment. But almost instantly my inner chaos rose up. The need to keep moving, to act, to solve everything overpowered me. I got to my feet.

As I returned to the guest quarters, I noticed a monk, ski cap pulled over his ears, sitting perfectly still beneath a tree. There was such reverence in his silhouette, such tranquil sturdiness, that I paused to watch. He was the picture of waiting.

Later I sought him out. "I saw you sitting beneath the tree - just sitting there so still. How is it that you can wait so patiently in the moment? I can't seem to get used to the idea of doing nothing."

He broke into a wonderful grin. "Well, there's the problem right there, young lady. You've bought into the cultural myth that when you're waiting you're doing nothing."

Then he took his hands and placed them on my shoulders, peered straight into my eyes and said, "I hope that you'll hear what I'm about to tell you. I hope you'll hear it all the way down to your toes. When you're waiting, you're not doing nothing. You're doing the most important something there is. You're allowing your soul to grow up. If you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."

Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life's Sacred Questions


SUNDAY, MAY 21 @ 10am
Worth Subscribing


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

More Important than Flowers (on Mother's Day)

We have been being very intentional here at Freedom to find more and more moments to go to God in prayer. We want to build the habit of prayer in every way that we can and so as I was thinking about theming this week's devotional around Mother's Day, I began to look for ways to pray for the moms in my life.

I invite you to pray this prayer (or, of course, pray using your own words) for your mom and any other mom that you know. Whether she knows Jesus or not, this prayer asks that she would know Him and His affirmation above anything else in her life - and that is the best gift she can have in this life.

Happy Mother's Day (I love you, mom!),
Pastor Tracy


Dear Lord, Bless every mother and every grandmother with the finest of your spiritual blessings today. Confirm in her heart and spirit the work of her hands and the love that she has so freely given to those children under Your care. Validate her worth daily, so she has no reason to doubt whether she is loved, valued, and cherished in the eyes of her Heavenly Father.

Create in her a deep sense of your protection and trust, so that worry and fear will disappear as she places her loved ones into Your care. Let her know that every prayer she has prayed and every encouraging word she has spoken on behalf of her children/grandchildren has been transformed into sweet, fragrant offerings before Your throne.

Whisper deep within her spirit the sweet words she longs to hear from You—that nothing can ever separate her from Your love. Help her to nestle daily into the promises of Your Word, standing with faith on the things You declare are true. Let her know that You reward faithfulness, but that true success doesn’t lie in her accomplishments or accolades. Let her rest in the knowledge that she has done all she can—and that she and those she loves—truly belong to you. Bless her with a servant spirit so she can teach her own the joy of hearing one day, “Well done!”

Let her joy be contagious; let her passion be pure; and let her life overflow with all the blessings she deserves—on special days, and on every day of her life. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Written By: Rebecca Barlow Jordan



SUNDAY, MAY 14 @ 10am
Stories of a Jesus-Follower
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

More Time to Pray (the sanctuary is open!)

Sometimes we plan things out just so, sometimes we seem to trip into an idea. We've loved our monthly Fast & Pray Wednesdays and have been doing them for quite a while. But recently, when someone got the date wrong and showed up on a different Wednesday to pray, we thought, "Hey, why can't every Wednesday be a Fast & Pray Wednesday?"

And so, in case you haven't heard, our sanctuary is open every Wednesday from 12-1 for prayer. Our staff is taking turns making sure that the lights are on and that there is someone to pray with anyone who joins us.

The format is very simple. The doors are open, the space is available and the schedule is flexible. Typically, we pray on our own until about 12:45 and then gather together to share needs and pray before we go back into our day. But, if you come and want someone to pray with you at any time, that's what we're here for. If you come and just want to spend time quietly praying alone, just let us know and you can have all the time you need.

Additionally, we are committed to fasting with you on Wednesdays. That might be a meal, a whole day's worth of meals, social media, or anything else the Lord has put on our hearts, but we will intentionally set something aside on these days and replace it with prayer.

It should also be said that if you need a place to be alone with God, to be silent, to pray, to study, or whatever other spiritual discipline you're pursuing, we want to help. We are happy to make the sanctuary or other spaces, including the Freedom Community Centre rooms, available to you at other times of the week. Just contact the office and let us know what you need.

As we've increased our focus on prayer this year, we've seen God move in amazing ways. We are called to prayer and we are called to fasting so let's do it together. (And I hope you know that if Wednesdays don't work for you, you can practice these disciplines any day of the week!)

Hope that you can make this a part of your Wednesdays... with us at the church or from wherever you are.
Pastor Tracy

Here's the page on our website all about prayer at Freedom:


SUNDAY, MAY 7 @ 10am
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.