About Being Truly Gentle (lesson 9 of our Produce course)

This week we are looking at Lesson 9 of the Produce course we covered on Sunday: Gentleness. If you missed Pastor Tracy's message, you can watch/listen here: freedomkw.com/messages.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lesson 9:
PDF Download: Lesson 9 (Gentleness)
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, September 1 @ 10am

Pastor Del


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Growing in Faithfulness (lesson 8 of our Produce course)

This week we are looking at Lesson 8 of the Produce course we covered on Sunday: Faithfulness. If you missed Pastor Erin's message, you can watch/listen here: freedomkw.com/messages.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lesson 8:
PDF Download: Lesson 8 (Faithfulness)
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, August 25 @ 10am

Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

True Goodness (lesson 7 of our Produce course)

This week we are looking at Lesson 7 of the Produce course we covered on Sunday: Goodness. If you missed Pastor Ethan's message, you can watch/listen here: freedomkw.com/messages.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lesson 7:
PDF Download: Lesson 7 (Goodness)
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, August 18 @ 10am

Pastor Erin


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Growing in the Spirit's Kindness (lesson 6 of our Produce course)

This week we are looking at Lesson 6 of the Produce course we covered on Sunday: Kindness. If you missed Pastor Erin's message, you can watch/listen here: freedomkw.com/messages.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lesson 6:
PDF Download: Lesson 6 (Kindness)
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, August 11 @ 10am

Pastor Ethan


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

More About Forbearance (lesson 5 of our Produce course)

This week we are digging into Lesson 5 of the Produce course we covered in Sunday's message: Forbearance (Patience). If you missed Dave's message, you can watch/listen here: freedomkw.com/messages.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lesson 5:

PDF Download: Lesson 5 (Forbearance)
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, August 4 @ 10am

Pastor Erin


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Growing in Peace (lesson 4 of our Produce course)

This week we are digging into Lesson 4 of the Produce course we covered in Sunday's message: Peace. If you missed Scott's message, you can watch/listen here: freedomkw.com/messages.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lesson 4:

PDF Download: Lesson 4 (Peace)
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, July 28 @ 10am

Dave Hancock


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Producing Love & Joy (lessons 2 & 3 of our Produce course)

As promised, this email (and all the rest of our devotionals this summer) will provide you with the lesson(s) from the Produce course that we covered in Sunday's message. This week it was Lessons 2 and 3: Love & Joy.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment!

Here are your options for Lessons 2 & 3:

PDF Download: Lesson 2 (Love)

PDF Download: Lesson 3 (Joy)

Online Course

Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!


SUNDAY, July 21 @ 10am

Scott Corkill


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The Fruit (and introduction to Produce)

We started our summer series this past Sunday with an introduction to the fruit of the Spirit. As promised, this email (and all the rest of our devotionals this summer) will provide you with the lesson from the Produce course that we covered in the message.

I hope you'll follow along with us and take some time each week to go deeper with this excellent material. I know it will be worth your investment.

Here are your options for Lesson 1:
PDF Download
Online Course
Printed Copy (available at the Welcome Centre)

(Want to be a keener and get the whole course at once? Click here.)

And please note as you're going through the course: if you find any typos or errors, let us know! We promise not to roll our eyes and we will definitely say thank you.

I am praying that we all grow in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit this summer as He produces His good fruit in our lives!

Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!


SUNDAY, July 15 @ 10am

Love & Joy
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

So Many Reasons (why serving matters)

We are fighting a battle in the Canadian church. We are constantly battling to live our beliefs and not just try to survive the busyness of one day to the next. A culture of overwhelm surrounds us and it seems that everyone lives beyond their capacity. This pressure isn't going away any time soon. It's one of the hallmarks of our culture. And, it's not just us. It's human nature.

I was struck by this in Psalm 39:6 (NLT) - "We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing." So, take heart, it's not just you. It was King David's observation in the 10th century BC, too!

As the church, we will always be pushing back against this cultural norm. We know that Scripture teaches us to be about "one another". The example that Jesus gave us was one of intentional living, withdrawing to be with the Father, and serving everyone He met from that source of strength. We are called to do the same.

Let's lament for a moment how difficult this can be. Maybe it's the expectations of family or work. Maybe it's a health challenge or a personal crisis. Maybe it's the pressure of raising a family and working to make ends meet. Whatever your situation, God sees and knows. The call to us is not to add even more to our schedules but to be mindful that our schedules are serving our call.

Perhaps counter-intuitively, finding ways to serve others is one of the best ways to fight the cultural trend. When I structure my life to include using what I have (time/resources/talents) to benefit someone else, my life gets richer. I find meaningful community and push back on the loneliness epidemic we hear so much about. I gain perspective on my issues and challenges as I meet someone else in their place of need. I go to bed at night with a full heart. It's very freeing when my life is about more than just me and my "busy rushing that ends in nothing."

I bet you've found the same thing.

So, as you enter these beautiful summer months, hopefully with some extra rest booked on your calendar, I invite you to consider how you are serving. Is it time to start? Time to make a change? Time to challenge yourself? Time to reorganize your family's schedule? This is a great season to evaluate!

On Sunday, Pastor Erin, Pastor Ethan and I reminded you of how you can get involved in church life and find meaningful ways to serve at Freedom. You can find that information here. But wherever God is calling you, however He has equipped you, don't miss out on the blessing of serving others!

Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!


SUNDAY, July 4 @ 10am

The Fruit
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Coming in September... (welcome, Mrs. Theresa!)

In case you missed it on Sunday, I'm excited to re-share the announcement I gave during the service about the future of Kids Ministry at Freedom. Keep reading... God is good, all the time!

Pastor Tracy


As you know, we marked the end of Margaret’s 16 years of ministry at Freedom two weeks ago. We are officially without a Children’s Ministries Director at this present moment. This is not ideal, of course, because we have a deep desire to pour into the next generation and provide great leadership for our Kids Ministries. The advantage we’ve had is that I’ve known for almost two years that this was coming and more than that, God saw it *way* before I ever did. 

Over the past few months, I have been interviewing an excellent candidate for this role and am so pleased to announce that starting September 1st, Theresa Capson will become our new Children’s Ministries Director. 

Theresa is married to Matt and is a mom of 5 kids ranging in age from 13 to 25 and is also a nana to two grandkids. The Capsons were part of our church between 2012 and 2016 (and Matt served on the board) and then moved to the US for Matt’s work. They moved back to Kitchener last summer, 7 years later, and it’s been great to have them at Freedom again.

Theresa has been serving in Kids Ministry (again) since the end of last year and is already familiar with our church’s core values and culture. This is a huge benefit to us and to her as she comes on staff in the fall. Her resume is filled with the extensive training and experience she has working with kids. 

Ethan, Erin, Kaitlin and I are all excited for Theresa to get started and to see how God will use her uniquely in this role. She’s not filling anyone’s shoes - that’s not really possible, is it? She’s got big dreams in her very own shoes and I know God is going to bless her ministry and our Freedom Kids and Ministry Team through her.

Welcome, Theresa!

And also, as an added blessing and bonus, Wendy De Sousa has agreed to join us this summer to help fill in the administrative gaps in Kids Ministry. She’ll be in the office for 10 hours per week, taking care of the details and getting things set up for Summer Sunday School. She’ll also be here full-time during the two weeks of Kids Camp to assist Pastor Erin in running an excellent summer program. 

Welcome, Wendy!

Isn’t God so good? He’s never surprised and He is always at work. It’s going to be a great new season of ministry here at Freedom.

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!

You can also find us by driving through the new neighbourhood...

From Fischer-Hallman Road:

1. Turn onto Rosenberg Way (new roundabout near Food Basics plaza).
2. Turn RIGHT onto Forestwalk St.
3. Turn LEFT onto Bleams Rd.
4. Turn LEFT into Freedom's driveway.


SUNDAY, June 30 @ 10am

Do Not Fear
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Walking Downhill (uphill isn't all bad)

Like most of KW, my neighbourhood has a lot of hills. I know that when I walk the dog it's downhill, uphill, downhill, big uphill, then a neutral homestretch. What's interesting is that it took me a long time to notice this pattern. I knew about the first uphill (when I start sweating, even in the middle of the winter) and I certainly knew about the second uphill climb because it hurts a bit. But one day, I was walking this route backwards and noticed those downhill sections for the first time.

You may wonder, how dense can you be? If there are uphill sections, there are downhill sections, obviously. But when I was going downhill, I didn't give it any thought. Those parts of the walk are long and gradual. They feel more like I am on a flat section and, I guess, I gave my level of fitness credit for why they didn't take much effort.

But when I reversed course, I could clearly see that the downhill sections were very much downhill. I felt them as they became long, slow, uphill climbs. And, as happens to those who preach, a spiritual illustration came to mind.

There are times when the effort to move forward is keenly felt. In fact, much of our life as a disciple of Christ requires intentional effort: we take up our cross and follow Him. It's a long obedience in the same direction... and much of that is a climb. (This is why it's so vital that we don't rely on our own strength, but learn to lean on His perfect strength in our weakness!) The beautiful thing about a climb, like hiking up a mountain, is that the effort always pays off in huge dividends.

More than that, though, my heart was reminded of how easy it is to coast and think that everything is fine... and we don't realize that we're on a decline, moving farther and farther away from a vital connection with God and His life-giving work in our lives. It's not until we turn around and see how far we've descended do we realize that something was lost. What hit me was just how subtly this happened as I walked. How much more easily can I lose track of my progress in the interior life?

I was reminded of this analogy as I studied Zephaniah 1. The people of Judah had lulled themselves into apathy and convinced themselves that everything was okay. I'm sure this didn't happen overnight; it was a slow fade, a gentle downhill section, barely noticed. But it cost them dearly.

The good news is (and we'll hear more about this as we continue through Zephaniah) that we can always check ourselves, change course, and fix our intention once again on our loving Creator who is already present and inviting us into His good plans and blessing.

It's something to think about the next time you're out for a walk.

Climbing with you,
Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!

You can also find us by driving through the new neighbourhood...

From Fischer-Hallman Road:

1. Turn onto Rosenberg Way (new roundabout near Food Basics plaza).
2. Turn RIGHT onto Forestwalk St.
3. Turn LEFT onto Bleams Rd.
4. Turn LEFT into Freedom's driveway.


SUNDAY, June 23 @ 10am

Gather Together
Pastor Erin


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Thank You, Miss Margaret (watch her "farewell" if you missed it!)

This past Sunday was significant for our church family. We officially honoured Miss Margaret's 16 years on staff at Freedom and released her into full-time preparation to leave for Guatemala as a Global Worker in the coming months. It was beautiful and sad, the definition of bittersweet.

I mentioned on Sunday that I believe it is important to mark these significant transitions in the life of the church and in the lives of those who serve us well. As we celebrated Margaret's ministry, we also remember to thank God for the gift of her life and leadership, knowing that she will bring that gift now to the people of Guatemala. We mark these occasions with gratitude so that we are keenly aware of all that we have been given by our heavenly Father.

If you missed the service, I have posted it on YouTube for you to watch when you have a moment.

And, to Margaret, let me say one more time: The board, staff and congregation of Freedom in Christ would like to thank you for these 16 years of exceptional service. We honour you and are fully confident that you will know God’s blessing and strength, proved by continued fruitful ministry, as you minister in Guatemala. We are with you. We are cheering for you. We love you.

Glad to be part of His body and His family,
Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!


SUNDAY, June 16 @ 10am

The Day is Coming
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Daily Sabbath (the power of the Bible and coffee... or whatever)

I once heard John Mark Comer talk about the importance of keeping the Sabbath, honouring a day of rest. He shared a common sentiment - his life was very busy with many demands for his time. (I'm sure you can relate!) But the key for him was protecting that day of rest. He said something to the effect of "I can do this (whatever the day or week demanded of him) because I know that Sabbath is coming," and/or, "I can do this because I just observed the Sabbath and I am ready." I've never forgotten it.

It was brought to my mind this morning as I sat quietly in my kitchen with my Bible and a cup of coffee (a winning combination indeed). It was early, my kids weren't up yet, the street was quiet outside my kitchen window and I was just still for a moment. My time and attention have been fragmented in the past few weeks, that's just the season of life I'm in right now. There are more things on my to-do list than minutes to accomplish them. But as I read the Word and gave the day to God, I had peace.

John Mark's comment came back to mind. I knew that the day was going to be okay because I had a moment of Sabbath before it began. I also know as I go through the rest of the day I can keep working away at whatever challenge pops up next because another moment of Sabbath is coming soon.

Yes, I believe that we should strive for a day of rest and that we were not built to work 24/7. We need healthy rhythms in our lives. But, there is also a reason that spiritual disciplines have been practiced by believers since the Early Church. We need built-in moments of pause and stillness so that we can hear what the Spirit is speaking to us, for pointing our lives toward worship, and to learn to rely on His strength and not our own. We need daily Sabbath.

Let me encourage you to build these kinds of practices into your day. You don't know what each day will bring but you can always know where your strength is coming from.

Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: construction has BEGUN. leave yourself some extra time to get here on sunday!


SUNDAY, June 9 @ 10am

Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Jesus Teaches His Disciples But.... (does that apply to me?)

As a pastor, I have the privilege of hearing and responding to a lot of questions about faith, the Bible, sin, Jesus, and more. Even though I've been in vocational ministry for over 20 years, some questions still surprise me.

Last week someone wanted help answering an objection she keeps running into with someone in her life. The objection is that what Jesus taught in the Gospels was only for His disciples, not for us. The question is: How do we know that Jesus' teachings are for us?

What an interesting question. I can't remember ever running into that objection before. I suppose you could expand it out and discount the whole Old Testament with that line of thinking since it was clearly written for the Jewish people. Pretty dangerous territory.

I did a tour of the scriptures and sent my response to her. I also wanted to share it with you for two reasons: 1. Perhaps you've wondered the same thing or have been asked this question by someone. 2. I couldn't help but be grateful and excited when re-reading these scriptures. What a gift it is to be included in the family of God!

So, to encourage your faith or to help you search the scriptures for answers, here is my response...

John 17:20-24
Jesus prays for all believers after He prays for His disciples (17:6-19). The assumption is that there will be other believers beyond the original disciples.

Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus tells His disciples to go into all the world (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the ends of the earth) and make disciples, teaching them to obey everything He had commanded. So, what He said to them is for all who will become disciples, and those disciples will be from all over the world.

Acts 10 & 11 (note 11:18)
God makes it very clear that the gospel is not just for the Jews (in case the argument is that “disciples” or “believers” are only Jews).

John 15:1-17
The Jews believed they would be saved just because they were Jews and “Abraham is their father”, but Jesus says that people are only saved when they remain in Him. It’s faith, not bloodline. (More about this on Sunday!)

Romans 11
Paul explains that believers who are Gentiles are “ingrafted branches” and are standing on the promises made to Israel (so don’t be arrogant, be grateful).

More scriptures about this:
Ephesians 2:11-18
Galatians 3:26-29
Galatians 6:15
John 1:12
Romans 2:25-29

There is a lot to unpack here so don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!

Pastor Tracy

UPDATE: The start of construction has been delayed until MONDAY, JUNE 3rd.


SUNDAY, JUNE 2 @ 10am

Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The Long Way Around (detour information)

I know I'm strange, but one of my hobbies is reorganizing things. I find it relaxing to tear a closet or drawer apart and put it back together. It's so delightful. The problem is always the mess you have to make in order to create something lovely. There are always a few scary moments of, "What did I get myself into??", before it starts to come back together. It's worth it in the end but you have to trust the process.

This week the Region has started something similar. They are going to make a really big, annoying mess, and it's going to be so much better in the end. We're going to have to trust the process for the next year or so!

Bleams Road will be closed starting on Monday from Fischer-Hallman to Forestwalk St (the one beside us with all the new houses). To get to church you'll need to come from Donnenwerth Dr or Trussler Rd. The maps below should help you see what we mean.

Later this year, the next section of Bleams will be under construction (right in front of the church to the hydro corridor) and we'll have another set of maps for you. And, 2025 will see Trussler and Bleams closed for many months.

The end result of this is going to be an AMAZING Bleams Road (I say that in faith!). We will have safe access to the church property for our neighbours and better traffic flow as our community grows. And, of course, new pavement will be lovely as the condition of the road was getting pretty rough.

Please take note of these detours to minimize frustration and when you're inviting someone to church, let them know the easiest way to get to us.

So much is happening around our property. Take a moment to pray for our church, that all of this development and change would give us more opportunities to share Christ with those who need to hear about Him!

Trusting the process,
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, MAY 26 @ 10am

Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The Spirt At Work in the World (it's 50 days after Easter!)

This Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost. It will be 50 days since we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday and we mark this day in the calendar to honour what came next. You can read it for yourselves in Acts 2. It's incredible.

We're going to do a couple of special things together on Sunday. Our new series is called "You Are Not Alone" and in the coming weeks we're going to talk about what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit in John 14, 15, and 16. But to start things off, we're going to focus in on the amazing work of the Spirit in the world.

Dr. Jeremy Feller, our mission partner in Ethiopia, will be speaking, sharing stories of what he sees God doing in Africa and the Middle East. Our Guatemala Team will be bringing us a report of all that happened on their trip. I know that both of these things will encourage you. And, just for fun, we're serving Guatemalan and Ethiopian coffee in the lobby on Sunday!

I know that many of us don't come from a Pentecostal background and that Pentecost Sunday might be something new that you'd like to study more. Here are some resources to get you started and as always, don't hesitate to reach out to us with more questions or insights. We'd love to hear your story and share in your journey.

Be filled!
Pastor Tracy

SCRIPTURE: The Book of Acts VIDEO COURSE: The Holy Spirit Lab
BLOGWhy do Pentecostals care so much about Spirit baptism? (Andrew Gabriel)
COURSELife in the Spirit (Del Wells)
COURSE: Pentecostal Essentials (Del Wells)
EBOOKSpirit Baptism in the Old and New Testament (Andrew Gabriel)
BOOKThe Charismatic Theology of St. Luke (Roger Stronstad)
BOOKLETA Scriptural Outline of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (George Gilles)
POSITION PAPERBaptism in the Holy Spirit (Assemblies of God)


SUNDAY, MAY 19 @ 10am

The Holy Spirit at Work in the World
Dr. Jeremy Feller


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

But What About... (a follow-up from Sunday's message about hell)

One of the difficulties of a message like last Sunday's is all that couldn't be said in the time we had together. As I try not to think of all the things that we didn't have time for (I could drive myself crazy!), I want to encourage you to study the topic of heaven and hell for yourself. There is much to learn, much to consider, and a lot at stake.

As mentioned, I borrowed heavily from the book Erasing Hell by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle. I am going to use this resource one more time to respond to one of the questions I hear a lot but couldn't tackle on Sunday: What about the person who has never heard the gospel?

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or want to talk further. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments!

Pastor Tracy


Excerpt from Erasing Hell by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle, p.158-160.

What about the person who has never heard the gospel?

This is a tough one. It comes up in almost every Bible study I've ever taught. What about the man in the jungle who has never heard the gospel and therefore never has the opportunity to accept Jesus? What if he simply responds to the light he's been given? He lived as best he could, and if he had heard the gospel, he probably would have believed it. Will God save such a person?

Everything in me wants to say yes. Because saying yes makes sense. Yes seems fair. But here's the problem: There's nothing in Scripture that says anyone will be saved apart from faith in Jesus.

Scripture also teaches that the so-called "light" we've all been given through creation, what theologians call general revelation, is sufficient to condemn but not sufficient to save. In other words, when people look at creation and see that there must be a God, and yet have no way of knowing His name or the plan of salvation, the Bible says that these people do not respond positively to such "light". Paul addresses this directly in Romans 1:18-22.

This passage says that all people have been given light - general knowledge that there is a God - and yet all people reject this knowledge and are therefore without excuse. Even though I have theoretical stories in my mind of a person living in the jungle who responds positively to the light he's been given, Paul argues otherwise. This passage teaches that all people are condemned not for rejecting the gospel but for rejecting the "general revelation" that's given to all people.

Scripture teaches that a person must come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to be saved. However, God can reveal knowledge through many different forms: dreams, visions, or divinely given thoughts that penetrate the mind of the person living in the jungle, or whomever. I've heard countless stories, maybe you have too, of people living in places thick with Islam, or other religions, where there is little or no exposure to the gospel, and yet people come to Christ. They have a vision or dream in which Jesus appears to them, and they respond. God can save whomever He wants, however He wants, but He always does so through the one avenue He Himself paved: His Son Jesus Christ.

I must mention, however, that in Scripture, people are normally saved through a human messenger. In fact, Romans 10:13-15 indicates that preaching the gospel is the prescribed means through which God saves people. While God has used dreams and visions to reach people (see Galatians 1:12-16), we should not depend on such means to reach the unreached. There are still billions of people who have never heard the gospel. God makes it clear that it is our responsibility to go to them.

Everything I've said thus far seems clear to me from Scripture. There are heaps of important follow-up questions that should be asked, but at the end of the day, we have to simply believe what Scripture says and not go beyond it. With all these tough questions, it's best to let God be God and believe that the Judge of all the earth will do right (Genesis 18:25).


SUNDAY, MAY 12 @ 10am

Q&R: Question and Response
Why Do Christians Change Their Minds?
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Praying for Our Guatemala Team (prayer requests included!)

Yesterday, our Youth & Young Adult Team made it to Guatemala to begin an 11-day mission trip. Our church is excited to support them in every way we can. Thank you to those who have given to their fundraising efforts and encouraged them as they prepared to leave.

And now, let's turn our attention to praying for this team over the next week and a half. On Sunday, Pastor Ethan shared what the team will do in Guatemala and how we can pray for them. If you missed it, I've grabbed the clip for you to watch again. (See below.)

Here's how we can pray:

  • Safe travel and health for the team.

  • The team would serve the Guatemalans and Hector & Ruth well, being a blessing and helpful in meaningful ways.

  • That God would open each team member's eyes to what God is doing around the world, expand their perspectives, and give them an openness to other ministry callings in the future.

Please make these prayers (and however else the Lord leads you) a priority from May 1-11 and pray for each one by name. We are expecting a GREAT report when this team gets home!

Pastor Tracy

Guatemala Team

Leader: Pastor Ethan

Team Members: Jide, Talitha, Noah, Maddie, Kelsey, Dante, Vaughn, Benson, Ruthie, Shay, Malachi


SUNDAY, MAY 5 @ 10am

Q&R: Question and Response
Is Hell Real?
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Pastor Erin's Prayer Plant (no, that's not a typo!)

In August, I brought a prayer plant into my office, I love plants! Sadly I severely misunderstood its watering needs and by winter, I was left with just one sad leaf. Surprisingly, this struggling plant became a reminder of my daily shortcomings, of my own failures. A bit dramatic, but honestly how I felt.

I was tempted to throw it out but I couldn’t. So, I pruned it, learned its watering needs, made sure it received the warmth and sunlight it needed, and decided to give it time.

Recently, signs of new life began to emerge. A tentative leaf peeked through, followed by another. In the quiet moments of my office, I witnessed a tangible representation of God's grace and renewal unfolding before my eyes.

Reflecting on this experience, I am reminded that God's work extends even into the depths of our failures. By acknowledging our mistakes, inviting His pruning, and immersing ourselves in His Word and presence, we pave the way for new growth and vitality.

My prayer plant remains a work in progress, mirroring my own imperfect journey. Yet, it serves as a testimony of the transformative power of God's love. In embracing our mistakes and positioning ourselves at the foot of the cross, we open ourselves to the possibility of new life amidst our shortcomings.

As I look at my revitalized plant, I am filled with gratitude for the redemptive work of God in my life. May we all find encouragement in His promise of renewal, allowing His grace to breathe new life into every area of our lives.

Pastor Erin


SUNDAY, APRIL 28 @ 10am

Q&R: Question and Response
Do All Religions Lead to God?
Pastor Tracy


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Spring Cleaning (literally and metaphorically)

I have a love/hate relationship with cleaning. I really don't like to do it but I also really don't like things to be dirty or untidy. And, I love how satisfying it is when things are neat and clean. I'm sure you can relate.

I made a plan a couple of months ago to take a week and spring clean my house before the weather got too nice and I would resent spending time indoors. And clean I did. Every corner of my house was dusted, vacuumed, and more importantly, organized. The last project on the list was the pantry which serves as food storage and also has become the home for all the little things that you don't know what to do with: castors from an old storage unit, nuts and bolts from who-knows-what, shoe polish, extension cords, batteries... and the list goes on. Not sure what to do with it? Put it in the pantry just in case we need it again. That's the general philosophy.

So, on Friday, I took a deep breath and took every single thing out of the pantry and laid it out on my living room floor. It was completely overwhelming. I needed to go through every container, touch every item and make a decision whether or not to keep it and if it was staying, how to categorize it.

The mess in the pantry was tucked away around a corner that was invisible to me unless was looking for some tape or a Command Strip. The mess that I made in the living room with all of the stuff from the pantry was huge. It was the same stuff, but I had to make a seemingly bigger mess in order to deal with it. In fact, most of my spring cleaning tasks looked like this: make a mess to clean things. But the truth is, the mess wasn't worse, it was just exposed. There was no hiding from the expired-in-2017 salad dressing. It was there and ready to be dealt with.

If you haven't guessed it by now, here's the analogy: When God is working in our lives, it can sometimes feel the same way. As the Holy Spirit points out an attitude, action, thought or motivation that needs to be transformed, inviting you to dig out the root cause of it from a hidden part of your heart, it can seem like you're making a bigger mess. When you see your sin and selfishness for what they are, you can feel like there is no way that you'll ever be able to clean things up so that you think and act more like Jesus.

But just like spring cleaning, I promise you that the end result of this good work is freedom and joy. When you are able to have gratitude instead of entitlement because He has taught you to be content, it's a very good thing. When you can choose grace over bitterness because He has walked you through forgiveness, it is a very good thing.

I will have to go back to my pantry in a few months and tidy up again. I have a tendency to let it get messy again as time passes if I don't stay on top of it. And it's the same with my heart - the Lord will continue to work on me, speak to me, convict and challenge me. I'll have to revisit the things that tend to hide in the corners of my heart many times in my life. But He is always faithful when I invite Him to empower me to work on and work through what is next in my life.

Philippians 1:6 (NLT) says it beautifully: "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."

Happy Spring Cleaning... literally and metaphorically!
Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, APRIL 21 @ 10am

Q&R: Question and Response
Is the Bible Full of Contradictions?
Pastor Ethan


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.