An Invitation to "The Commands of Christ" (are you up for a beta-test?)

Wednesday nights are a key time for us a church. We call them Connecting Point 1 because we prioritize them as a place to connect outside of the Sunday morning service. They are a great opportunity to meet with others and intentionally invest in our personal discipleship while we help others with theirs. I'll admit that leaving the house after dinner on cold, dark nights can be challenging (could we implement a sweatpants and slippers policy for CP1?), I am consistently amazed at how much I learn and am challenged by my group. It is absolutely, always worth it.

Starting next week (November 14th) we are going to be starting something that I believe will be a great resource for our church. Pastor Del has written a course called "The Commands of Christ" that is intended to help believers know how to live out the Great Commission. When Jesus tells us to "teach them to obey everything I have commanded you," what are those things that He actually commanded? How can we obey if we aren't sure? This course is practical, easy to follow and personally challenging.

Here's the invitation... We are going to be beta-testing this course for Pastor Del on November 14, 21 and 28. After that, you will get a copy of the remaining lessons so that you can continue to work through them at your own pace. That's right - fresh content, right from inside of our church family, relevant to where we are in our discipleship journey, world-class quality training in your hands... and you're invited to join us.

If you've never been to CP1 before, why not join us for these next three weeks? If your schedule simply doesn't allow you to be with us in person, we will be making The Commands of Christ available to you via PDF or hardcopy at the end of the month. Talk about a life-giving personal devotional tool!

There is one catch... since we are beta-testing this for Pastor Del, we would love to have your feedback as you work through the material. That's it!

So let me recap this invitation...

  • Connecting Point 1 - Wednesday, November 14, 21,28 @ 6:30-8:00

  • "The Commands of Christ" by Pastor Del Wells (we're beta-testing!)

  • As we won't finish the whole course, we will make it available to the whole church via PDF or hardcopy (upon request) as a powerful personal devotional tool.

  • We'd love to have your feedback on the course content as you go through it so that it can be taken out of beta and made available more widely.

I'm excited about this opportunity!! Please join us on Wednesdays!

And don't forget that Jeremy Feller (missionary in Ethiopia) will be speaking on Sunday. It will only be available live so you won't want to miss being with us this weekend.

Pastor Tracy


This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am as Jeremy Feller continues our fall series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.