What's growing in your life? (TBT the symbolic planting on New Year's Eve)


Remember back on New Year's Eve (5th Sunday!) last year when we planted grass seed to represent what God was speaking to our hearts for 2018? Do you still have the tag that you put on that planter?

There are seven Sundays remaining in this year and so... what did God grow in your life in the past 11 months? Have you had a chance to look back and think about it?

It took me until the middle of January to decide what I wanted to write on my planter. As I was driving down the highway one night I felt God speak to me about needing to learn to TRUST. Trust Him in everything, with everyone. I had been having some deep anxiety about travel since the middle of 2017, something that was very new to me. (I used to love to fly.) My 2018 calendar had four trips involving air travel that would give me butterflies every time I thought about them. Almost daily throughout this year I was intentional about allowing the Holy Spirit to renew my mind (Romans 12:2) and recognize that fear and anxiety are not ever something that is from Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace and He is the giver of the Comforter. This year of flying ended with an 18-hour flight home from Ethiopia. And guess what? I was OK. I was calm and I was able to trust that the Lord was with me and surrounding me. When I started to feel nervous I would open up my Bible app and start to read. By the end of the trip, even with some very heavy turbulence, my heart was settled and I knew that God had walked with me through something significant. It mattered in the moment, but I know the lesson is also planted in my heart for the future. I'm so grateful.

How about you? Do you have a story of how God has grown something in your life this past year? One of the most encouraging things we can do as a church family is to share how God is moving. This week, why don't you think and pray about it and, if you're willing, send me your story. I'm excited to hear how God is working in your life!

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy


This Sunday

Truth & Lies

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues our fall series.

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