Questions About Life? #TryAlpha (so excited for this!)

We have such an exciting opportunity this spring to share the life-changing faith we have in Jesus with the people in our lives.

A team has been trained and is ready to lead Alpha online. Now it's our turn to figure out who we are going to invite.

Would you pray specifically this week for the Lord to give direction - and also the courage - to invite someone to attend Alpha?

It's running on Wednesdays from April 21-June 16 at 7:00 on Zoom. (You can participate from the lawn chair in your backyard!)

I can tell you from being a part of the training that it is going to be the perfect place to introduce people to Jesus and also, answer some of the questions that long-time believers have wondered about or struggled with. It's just simply going to be a great investment of your time.

Thank you for partnering with us as we launch Alpha. We are believing for God to do great things and ready to step out in faith and invite people to learn more about the One we love and serve with our lives.

INVITE: Share our socials or download a graphic to email/share.
REGISTER: Sign up on our Connecting Point page.

So excited for what's next!!
Pastor Tracy

Want to learn more about Alpha? Check out their website.

This Sunday

Peace in a Noisy World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.