Connecting Point

Life Transformation Campus (ready for a Pavilion party?!)

On March 6, 2017, Julie Schroth sent me an email with a drawing attached. It said: “At the last board meeting, you asked if anyone had access to a program for designing the pavilion. My brother has one he used for doing his house and shop blueprints… this is what he sketched up for me… I like to dream about this stuff.”

It took us 5.5 years, countless emails, meetings, and phone calls, stacks of paperwork and a million decisions. And now, the Freedom Pavilion is open and already being used as part of our Life Transformation Campus. Thank you, Jesus!

That really is our dream. We want all 10 acres of our property to work as a campus that enables and equips people to have their lives transformed by Christ. The Pavilion is the next step. It was ambitious, it was delayed by a global pandemic, and now it's complete, ready to be used to serve our neighbours and church family alike. What a blessing.

To thank you for being a part of it we want you to know that you are invited to the Grand Opening on Sunday. We're going to take some time to reflect and dedicate the new space in our service and then go out to the Pavilion for a ribbon-cutting and lunch. We'll have activities for the kids, give tours, answer questions and in general, have a party!

Please join us as we celebrate the goodness of God at work in our church and the next step of our Life Transformation Campus being complete.

Details & RSVP:

See you on Sunday!
Pastor Tracy


The Pastors
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Connect, Train & Impact (CP groups are back!)

I get it. Not everyone likes school. Lots of people are very glad that those days are behind them. But still, there is something so great about September. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, and the stores are filled with fresh school supplies ready for new backpacks and pencil cases. Sigh. I get a little jealous.

I'm a little too practical to buy myself things that I don't need just because they are pretty (most of the time!). But I still like to capitalize on the burst of energy we get at the beginning of a new season even if we're not going back to school ourselves. Why not spend that capital on While we're talking about who the church is this month, one thing is certain: it's not meant to be lonely. Church, by definition, is us working together, learning together, growing together, and encouraging one another. We can't organize or program that into your life but we do our best to create opportunities for this to happen intentionally.

And so, Connecting Point. CP is what we call our small groups. It's a strategic point in your week to connect with God and others. It's also a place to train to be like Jesus and find ways to impact your world for Him.

New groups are launching in a couple of weeks and I strongly encourage you to be a part of one. The lineup has lots of options our hope is that there is one that makes sense for you this fall.

Speaking of new things... our CP format now has two streams: Connect Groups and Life Groups. Connect Groups meet for one session (October-November) and group members will choose a new group in the new year. Life Groups meet for the duration of the school year (October-May) and group members will have the option to continue on or choose a new group in fall 2023. The listed group topic will be the starting point for LGs and other books/studies/topics will be added as the group grows together through the year. Be sure you make note of whether the CP group you're interested in is Connect or Life.

Ready to see for yourself? Everything is ready for you on our website including how to sign up and how to get the book or study materials that you need.

We also have some more exciting things available this fall... find out more on the same page on our website:

  • Alpha

  • The Bible & The Issues: Sunday Night Discussions

  • A Fresh Look at Pentecostal Beliefs: A Master's Micro-Course

  • Women's Mentoring

  • Frontline: Men of Freedom

It's going to be a great fall of growing together, church! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We are here to equip you to connect with God and others, train to be more like Jesus and impact the world for Christ.

Looking forward to October,

Pastor Tracy


The Deacons
Tracy Dunham


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Local Church | Global Reach (first missions update of 2021!)

We count it a privilege to have such excellent missions partners around the world that we get to support financially. God is moving and using our local church to make a difference in the global church. So grateful!

Our 2021 goal for giving to Missions is $22,000, which is over and above our General Fund budget. We are believing that we will meet and exceed both goals this year.

2021 Missions Giving Plan: CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Pastor Erin gave a report on Sunday and shared some of the great things that are happening with our partners. Take a look at the video and continue to ask God how He is leading you to give to His work at home and with our partners this year.

Partners in the Kingdom,
Pastor Tracy

Don't forget about Alpha!
Invite someone to meet Jesus with you.

Wednesdays, April 21-June 16 on Zoom


This Sunday

Peace in a Driven World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Questions About Life? #TryAlpha (so excited for this!)

We have such an exciting opportunity this spring to share the life-changing faith we have in Jesus with the people in our lives.

A team has been trained and is ready to lead Alpha online. Now it's our turn to figure out who we are going to invite.

Would you pray specifically this week for the Lord to give direction - and also the courage - to invite someone to attend Alpha?

It's running on Wednesdays from April 21-June 16 at 7:00 on Zoom. (You can participate from the lawn chair in your backyard!)

I can tell you from being a part of the training that it is going to be the perfect place to introduce people to Jesus and also, answer some of the questions that long-time believers have wondered about or struggled with. It's just simply going to be a great investment of your time.

Thank you for partnering with us as we launch Alpha. We are believing for God to do great things and ready to step out in faith and invite people to learn more about the One we love and serve with our lives.

INVITE: Share our socials or download a graphic to email/share.
REGISTER: Sign up on our Connecting Point page.

So excited for what's next!!
Pastor Tracy

Want to learn more about Alpha? Check out their website.

This Sunday

Peace in a Noisy World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Financial Peace & Freedom (resetting our hearts and minds this Blue Monday week)

I'm writing this on Blue Monday, which you have probably heard about this week. I understand the mid-winter, post-Christmas, cold & dark atmosphere that contributes to this being called this most depressing time of the year. What really got my attention was the other reason that contributes to this - debt accumulated over the holidays that has now come due.

I don't have to tell you that finances are a BIG deal. We're prone to think, stress, fight and worry about money more than most things in life. No surprise there. It's also an area where we get stuck, feel overwhelmed, make mistakes and also keep very private so the weight of our finances can be very, very heavy.

Freedom in Christ really does mean freedom in every area of your life. We don't want you to be dragging burdens around with you as you go through life. We want everyone to know the freedom that comes from trusting Christ in everything - not the least of which is our financial life.

I know a lot of you who want so much to be generous and to be able to serve and help others with freedom. But you can seem to get out from under your debt in order to live generously. I've heard from some of you who know the right principles when it comes to being a good steward (or manager) of your money but are struggling to put them into practice.

Whatever your situation, you are definitely not alone.

We know that as Christ-followers we're called to live generously in every way. It's important for our hearts to know how to trust God with our resources and to be able to bless others extravagantly as an act of worship in response to all we've received from God. We also know that this is counter-cultural and a daily discipleship decision.

With Blue Monday lingering and new year's resolutions starting to (or already!) fizzling out, here are some ways that you can walk in new freedom this year and live out the life of generosity that you have always had in your heart.

Pray about it.
Tell God about your financial situation. Confess the mistakes you've made with your resources. Find forgiveness. Ask Him how you can trust Him more and be a good steward. (Do this with your spouse and kids as applicable!) Listen for His direction and step out in obedience.

Walk it out with others.
Finances don't have to be a big secret. No one has a perfect track record and we can learn from one another, keep one another accountable and find encouragement in the journey toward freedom.

  • We have some people who are would love to talk with you and help to coach you toward financial peace. Just let us know and we'll get you connected.

  • Just launched... Financial Peace Facebook Group... for CP group alumni or anyone else that wants to learn and stay accountable! (Watch our socials!)

  • You can join our Financial Peace Connecting Point group the next time it's offered to get you started with some amazing teaching and biblical challenges. Watch for it later this year.

Keep learning.
Read books/listen to podcasts/watch seminars and sermons about finance. Keep your mind engaged with the priorities in your heart.

  • Here's a webinar that we shared in our CP Facebook group recently that had lots of ways to reset your finances this year: Ramsey+ Money Reset

Advancing the Kingdom starts in our own homes.

Praying during this Blue Monday week that we would find much hope and freedom as we follow Christ together.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Captives

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Connected... On Purpose (not just to the wifi)

Not a lot of introduction needed to this week's email. We believe in so much in connecting that we're continuing to remind you that Connecting Point groups are launching. Some started earlier this week, some start next week - and all groups are still open to you.

Looking forward to all that God has in store in our Connecting Point groups this fall!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Test

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Now What? Connect & Train! (CP groups are starting soon)

We believe that it's vital for our growth and effectiveness to be doing three things:

  • CONNECT - with God and others (don't do it alone!)

  • TRAIN - learn to be like Jesus (be equipped!)

  • IMPACT - change the world for Christ (share your faith!)

You know as well as I do that these things don't happen on their own. We have to be intentional and we have to keep checking in to make sure that we haven't stalled out in any of these areas.

Connecting Point is one of the ways that you can connect and train so that you are equipped to make an impact.

This fall our groups are running for eight weeks in October and November. They are, simply put, all going to be excellent.

Allow me to show you how to find them on our website and then take a moment to sign up for the one that works best for you connecting, training and impacting this fall.

Can't wait to dig into these with you!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Missions and Our Mission (the gospel keeps advancing)

Want to hear some good news? Our global workers are still seeing the gospel moving! Click the video link for 90 seconds of encouragement from Jeremy Feller, our mission partner in Ethiopia.

Whenever I hear from someone like Jeremy I think about my life and my mission right here in Kitchener. How can I see the gospel advance in my neighbourhood? How can my life be counted as making a difference for the kingdom?

Like Jeremy says, while we're not able to go too far from home, there are so many ways to continue to be the church that we are. As you invite someone to church online and interact with them, as you reach out to that person who has been on your mind to be a listening ear, as you financially support those who are in need, as you meet practical needs in the lives of people around you, you continue to make a statement about the grace and care and love of Christ.

We pray that this kind of effort makes a huge impact on the hearts of everyone this church reaches, that people would understand who Christ is and trust Him with their lives. We pray that every person who is discouraged or overwhelmed would learn through the encouragement of this church that He really has given us everything we need for a godly life.

How is your life on mission today?

Some of you know exactly how to answer the question, some aren't sure where to start. Here's a short list of ways to get moving in the right direction if you need some help!

  • Get on the Prayer Team (

  • Offer to help as needs arise (

  • Reach out to someone you haven't heard from in a while

  • Invite someone to church and text with them during the service or have lunch with them over FaceTime afterward

  • Give - invest your finances in the work of the ministry

  • Join a CP group so you can connect with and encourage others as you learn

  • Make a meal and bring it to a family who needs a night off of making dinner

  • Really, whatever the Lord has put on your heart to do!

And that making a meal one is more than an idea, it's a plan we're working on. So many people in our lives don't need grocery pickups or financial assistance necessarily, they need a break from working from home while trying to homeschool their kids. It's a simple, beautiful way to extend hospitality in this season. Want to get involved in it? Just email Pastor Erin... and we'll talk about it more in the coming weeks.

Church, the gospel is advancing all over the world. Let's continue to commit ourselves to being a part of that advancement right here in KW.

Pastor Tracy

PS - More information about our 2020 Missions Giving Plan can be found here.

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Truth

Join us this Sunday at 10am on Facebook Live as Pastor Erin starts our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Consider This (love and good deeds in spring 2020)

I know that the shine has worn off of this social distancing thing... if it ever had any shine at all. This forced pause has had some up sides and the rush to take our world (church, work, school, social lives) online has settled into something we never could have imagined a few weeks ago.

I get that it's less exciting to comment on every Facebook post and follow every IG story.

So can I invite you to add something to your online life that will stay with you long after we are able to meet in person?

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging on another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Connecting Point isn't the only answer to the command in these verses but we offer it to our church as a really effective way to be in community, encourage and be encouraged, challenge and be challenged, not giving up on meeting together and all the growth and inspiration that comes with that.

Consider joining a group for May and June. This is a new season with new opportunities to learn and grow, redeeming all the crazy for God's good purposes in our lives!

Here are some options for you:

  • Life in the Spirit: taught by Pastor Del, moderated by Pastor Tracy via Zoom - Tuesdays @ 7:30pm (if the group is big, we can break into small group "rooms" for discussion after the lesson!)

  • First Steps: groups will be arranged as registrations are received.

  • Sisters Women's Group: led by Pastor Erin via Zoom - Wednesdays @ 8:00

  • NEXT Courses: self-directed studies that can be coordinated into groups upon request.

How are you considering how to spur yourself and others on toward love and good deeds this spring? We may not be in the same room but we are just as passionate about CONNECTING, TRAINING and IMPACTING!

Looking forward to seeing you in a CP group,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Revealing Jesus
Righteous Judge & Coming King

Join us this Sunday at 10am on Facebook Live as Pastor Tracy continues our Easter series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.


Here's the deal: You know as well as I do that we need people in our lives. Real people, not their digital avatar. We were meant to connect because when we do, well, a lot of great things are possible.

That's the opportunity we're offering up at Connecting Point. My relationship with Christ gets deeper and more sincere when I do it with others. My ability to grow is massively stunted when I try and do it on my own. So I don't. Connecting with others is on my calendar. It happens when it's cold and rainy, it happens when I've had an exhausting day, it happens when I'm celebrating a victory, it happens because I know I can't develop in my discipleship without it.

Two of our core values at Freedom are CONNECTING AND TRAINING: Building real relationships with God and others and learning to think and act like Jesus. Connecting Point was created as a great option to do both.

Here's what's happening at Connecting Point that might get you started, or be the 'what's next' for you this year. I'll be there - join me!


This group will focus on building Christ-centred marriages.


This study is a deep-dive into the gospel of John with relevant application from the life and teaching of Jesus. (Purchase a book at the NEXT Centre.)


We have planners, calendars, and to-do lists to help us organize our business and social lives. This study is all about organizing the other side of our lives—the spiritual side. (Purchase a book at the NEXT Centre or on Amazon.)


This group is for women who want to go deeper in Christ and build relationships with other women at the same time.

PLUS... we are offering everyone the chance to COME FOR DINNER before CP (sign-up online) so that you can take the stress out of getting here on time and have a chance to get to know your church family better. #winwin And, if you need childcare for Preschool or younger, please sign up online as well.

Of course, all of this information is on our website so that you can figure out if this would be a good way for you to make time to connect and train. And even if it's not this, connecting and training are core values for a reason. We believe that life in Christ gets deeper and richer when we are intentional about connecting, training and impacting.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Tracy


This Sunday we are going to start collecting pledge cards for the Welcome to Our House Pavilion Project. We need to raise another $30,000 in cash or pledges to start construction. Pray about how your family will invest in what's next at Freedom!

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Surrender It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Connecting For Real (like 'authentically' if that word wasn't a bit overworked)

These days you read a lot about things that are connected. We're reminded over and over again how we are the most connected people to ever walk the face of the earth. We practically hold everything there is to know about everything in the literal palm of our hand.

But you, like me, are probably also hearing how false all this connectivity really is when it comes to the things in life that matter. Depression and other mental illness is more and more common and people report never having felt more lonely even if their latest snap/tweet/post/pic had a record number of likes.

Here's the deal: You know as well as I do that we need people in our lives. Real people, not their digital avatar. We were meant to connect because when we do, well, a lot of great things are possible.

That's the opportunity we're offering up at Connecting Point. My relationship with Christ gets deeper and more sincere when I do it with others. My ability to grow is massively stunted when I try and do it on my own. So I don't. Connecting with others is on my calendar. It happens when it's cold and rainy, it happens when I've had an exhausting day, it happens when I'm celebrating a victory, it happens because I know I can't develop in my discipleship without it.

One of our core values at Freedom is Connecting: Building authentic relationships with God and others. Or, since 'authentic' might seem like a tired word, building real relationships. It's doesn't have to be at Connecting Point, of course. That's just a great option that we offer as a church to help you in becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ in this area.

So how are you connecting for real? Here's what's happening at Connecting Point that might get you started, or be the 'what's next' for you this fall. I'll be there - join me!

This group will focus on having peace and freedom in your finances by finding out what biblical principles we can learn and apply when it comes to money.

This study is a deep-dive into the gospel of John with relevant application from the life and teaching of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit is a vital part of our life in Christ. This course walks you step by step through the basics of what the Bible teaches us about the Holy Spirit and how He makes life transformation possible. (Will include a podcast/video component that includes group members.)

Provides parents with the tools they need to help their children develop self-discipline, cooperation and problem-solving skills. (Registration is required.)

PLUS... we are offering everyone the chance to come for dinner before CP so that you can take the stress out of getting here on time and have a chance to get to know your church family better. #winwin

Of course, all of this information is on our website so that you can figure out if this would be a good way for you to make time to connect, for real. And even if it's not this, connecting is a core value for a reason. We believe that life in Christ gets deeper and richer when we pursue real relationships with God and one another.

Together in Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy launches our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.