When Your Heart is Happy (He's so, so good)

I don't typically write this devo on Sundays but my schedule this week has me sitting down at my laptop on Sunday evening to be sure I meet the deadline. Sometimes I know weeks in advance what I'm going to write about, and sometimes, like this week, I don't know until I log in. What do I want or need to say to our church family? What is important to talk about or highlight in church life?

I don't know what to write because all I can think about is our service this morning and how full and happy my heart is after the beautiful testimonies we heard from the five people who got baptized in water. I can't stop thinking about the worship that I heard and felt all around me as we sang together. I can't stop thinking about the hugs and the joy and the congratulations I saw after the service. I can't stop singing, "Hell lost another one, I am free, I am free, I am free." (Admittedly a bit of a silly lyric, but it's both true and so catchy!)

I don't think the unusual timing of when I am writing this is a coincidence. I can be guilty of rushing past a moment without remembering to go back and thank God for His goodness (like the nine lepers in Luke 17:11-19!). So, I'm inviting you into my pause for gratitude this week.

Think about what God has done. As Sunday's testimonies were shared, did you think about the difference Jesus has made in your life? To the people who have influenced you to walk faithfully with Him? To the time you were saved, baptized, healed, rescued, comforted, or filled with the Spirit?

Take a moment - or, actually, it might take you more than just a moment - to thank God for all He has done and continues to do in your life. Thank Him for the work He is doing in our church. Thank Him for the testimonies we heard on Sunday and pray blessing over Kyla, Sashen, Sandra, Ana, and Bruce.

Like the one leper who returned to Jesus after his healing, throw yourself at Jesus' feet and thank Him. He's so, so good.

Pastor Tracy


SUNDAY, October 27 @ 10am

Erin Jamieson


10:00 - Live Service & Kids Church (+Church Online)

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